1. 2012
  2. Oxaliplatin: a review of approved uses.

    Stein, A. & Arnold, D., 2012, In: EXPERT OPIN PHARMACO. 13, 1, p. 125-137 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Oxytocin increases amygdala reactivity to threatening scenes in females.

    Lischke, A., Gamer, M., Berger, C., Grossmann, A., Hauenstein, K., Heinrichs, M., Herpertz, S. C. & Domes, G., 2012, In: PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 37, 9, p. 1431-1438 9.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Oxytocin specifically enhances valence-dependent parasympathetic responses.

    Gamer, M. & Büchel, C., 2012, In: PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 37, 1, p. 87-93 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. P300 amplitudes in the concealed information test are less affected by depth of processing than electrodermal responses.

    Gamer, M. & Berti, S., 2012, In: FRONT HUM NEUROSCI. 6, p. 308

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. p53 expression predicts dismal outcome for medulloblastoma patients with metastatic disease.

    Gessi, M., von Bueren, A., Rutkowski, S., Rutkowski, S. & Pietsch, T., 2012, In: J NEURO-ONCOL. 106, 1, p. 135-141 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. p65-Dependent production of interleukin-1β by osteolytic prostate cancer cells causes an induction of chemokine expression in osteoblasts.

    Schulze, J., Riecken, K., Baranowsky, A., Streichert, T., Lange, T., Spiro, A. S., Albers, J., Seitz, S., Zustin, J., Amling, M., Fehse, B. & Schinke, T., 2012, In: CANCER LETT. 317, 1, p. 106-113 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Pain and attention - friends or foes?

    Hauck, M. & Lorenz, J., 2012, In: CLIN NEUROPHYSIOL. 123, 5, p. 848-849 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  9. Pain management in patients with haemophilia: a European survey.

    Holstein, K., Klamroth, R., Richards, M., Carvalho, M., Pérez-Garrido, R., Gringeri, A. & Board, E. H. T. S., 2012, In: HAEMOPHILIA. 18, 5, p. 743-752 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Palliative und supportive Therapie beim Karzinom des ösophagogastralen Übergangs

    Block, A. & Arnold, D., 2012, In: VISZERALMEDIZIN. 28, 2, p. 121-127 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Pancreatic carcinoma cell lines reflect frequency and variability of cancer stem cell markers in clinical tissue

    Bünger, S., Barow, M., Thorns, C., Freitag-Wolf, S., Danner, S., Tiede, S., Pries, R., Görg, S., Bruch, H-P., Roblick, U. J., Kruse, C. & Habermann, J. K., 2012, In: EUR SURG RES. 49, 2, p. 88-98 11 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms.

    Hörsch, D., Bert, T., Schrader, J., Hommann, M., Kaemmerer, D., Petrovitch, A., Zaknun, J. & Baum, R. P., 2012, In: Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol. 58, 4, p. 401-426 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Panicogens in patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

    Muhtz, C., Wiedemann, K. & Kellner, M., 2012, In: CURR PHARM DESIGN. 18, 35, p. 5608-5618 35.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  14. Parameters Influencing the Cutting of Special Zirconia Ceramic Diamond Burs.

    Schmage, P., Klasnic, J., Platzer, U., Pfeiffer, P. & Nergiz, I., 2012, In: J DENT RES. 91, C, p. 146

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearchpeer-review

  15. Parental cancer: factors associated with children's psychosocial adjustment--a systematic review.

    Krattenmacher, T., Kühne, F., Ernst, J., Bergelt, C., Romer, G. & Möller, B., 2012, In: J PSYCHOSOM RES. 72, 5, p. 344-356 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. [Parental cancer--parents ways of coping, family functioning, and psychosocial adjustment of dependent children].

    Krattenmacher, T., Kühne, F., Führer, D., Ernst, J., Brähler, E., Herzog, W., von Klitzing, K., Flechtner, H-H., Bergelt, C., Romer, G. & Möller, B., 2012, In: PRAX KINDERPSYCHOL K. 61, 6, p. 447-462 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Parental palliative cancer: psychosocial adjustment and health-related quality of life in adolescents participating in a German family counselling service.

    Kühne, F., Krattenmacher, T., Bergelt, C., Ernst, J., Flechtner, H-H., Führer, D., Herzog, W., Klitzing, K. V., Romer, G. & Möller, B., 2012, In: BMC PALLIAT CARE. 11, p. 21

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. [Parents with cancer and their minor children--a nationwide survey of outpatient psychosocial cancer counselling service regarding needs and its utilisation].

    Ernst, J., Beierlein, V., Romer, G., Möller, B., Koch, U. & Bergelt, C., 2012, In: GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 74, 11, p. 742-746 11.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Parodontitis bekämpfen und vermeiden: Gute Mundhygiene und regelmäßig zur Prophylaxe

    Schmage, P., 2012, In: Gute Zähne schönes Leben. 11, p. 11-13

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalNewspaper articlesTransfer

  20. Partition of metals in the maternal/fetal unit and lead-associated decreases of fetal iron and manganese: an observational biomonitoring approach.

    Kopp, R. S., Kumbartski, M., Harth, V., Brüning, T. & Käfferlein, H. U., 2012, In: ARCH TOXICOL. 86, 10, p. 1571-1581 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  21. Partizipation in Klinischer und Sozialpsychiatrie: Impulse aus dem Trialog

    Bock, T., 2012, Handbuch Partizipation und Gesundheit. Bern: Hans Huber, p. 365-381 16 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  22. Partizipation in Klinischer und Sozial-Psychiatrie – Impulse aus dem Trialog

    Bock, T., 2012, Handbuch Partizipation und Gesundheit. Verlag Hans Huber, Bern, p. 365-380 16 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesEducationpeer-review

  23. Partizipation und Beteiligung in der gemeindenahen Gesundheitsförderung

    Süß, W. & Trojan, A., 2012, Partizipation und Gesundheit. Huber, Bern, p. 183-196 14 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  24. Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung in der medizinischen Versorgung

    Dirmaier, J. & Härter, M., 2012, Partizipation und Gesundheit. Huber, Bern, p. 318-330 13 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  25. Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung: Patientenbeteiligung bei Behandlungsentscheidungen in der medizinischen Versorgung

    Dirmaier, J. & Härter, M., 2012, Gesundheitswesen aktuell 2012 - Zusatzkosten durch Alterung überschätzt. BARMER GEK, p. 212-235 24 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  26. Partners of people on ART - a New Evaluation of the Risks (The PARTNER study): design and methods.

    Rodger, A., Bruun, T., Weait, M., Vernazza, P., Collins, S., Estrada, V., van Lunzen, J., Corbelli, G. M., Lampe, F., Phillips, A., Lundgren, J. & Group, PARTNER. S., 2012, In: BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 12, p. 296

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. Passive immunization with a monoclonal IgM antibody specific for Strongyloides ratti HSP60 protects mice against challenge infection.

    Nadia, B. N., Piedavent, M., Osterloh, A. & Breloer, M., 2012, In: VACCINE. 30, 33, p. 4971-4976 33.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Pathogenese und klinische Grundlagen

    Amann-Vesti, B., Bernhardt, A., Debus, E. S., Hillebrand, M., Jahnke, T., Kodolitsch, Y., Kölbel, T., Kuhlencordt, P., Larena-Avellaneda, A., Müller, JG., Rybczynski, M., Sheikhzadeh, S. & Wenk, H., 2012, Operative und interventionelle Gefäßmedizin. Springer, p. 97-162 66 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  29. Pathological stage distribution in patients treated with radical prostatectomy reflecting the need for protocol-based active surveillance: results from a contemporary European patient cohort.

    Seiler, D., Randazzo, M., Klotz, L., Grobholz, R., Baumgartner, M., Isbarn, H., Recker, F. & Kwiatkowski, M., 2012, In: BJU INT. 110(2), p. 195-200

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. Patientenorientierung als Leitbegriff moderner Krankenversorgung und Einführung in das Buch

    Trojan, A., Kofahl, C., Nickel, S. & Lüdecke, D., 2012, Selbsthilfefreundlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen: Wie sich selbsthilfebezogene Patientenorientierung systematisch entwickeln und verankern lässt. Wirtschaftsverlag NW, p. 5-22 18 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  31. Patientenrelevanter Nutzen: Subjektivität objektiv messen

    Gutknecht, M., Blome, C. & Augustin, M., 2012, In: PREV MED REP. 8, p. 36-38 8.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  32. Patienten und Psychiater: Versorgung psychisch Kranker in Hamburg 1848 bis 1933

    Sammet, K., 2012, Andocken: Hamburgs Kulturgeschichte 1848-1933. DOBU Verlag, p. 168-181 14 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  33. [Patient participation in medical decision making within an integrated health care system in Germany: results of a controlled cohort study].

    Hölzel, L. P., Vollmer, M., Kriston, L., Siegel, A. & Härter, M., 2012, In: BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 55, 11-12, p. 1524-1533 11-12.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  34. Patient satisfaction after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion is primarily driven by relieving pain.

    Hessler, C., Boysen, K., Regelsberger, J., Vettorazzi, E., Winkler, D. & Westphal, M., 2012, In: CLIN J PAIN. 28, 5, p. 398-403 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  35. Patient selection for bedside teaching: inclusion and exclusion criteria used by teachers.

    Gierk, B. & Harendza, S., 2012, In: MED EDUC. 46, 2, p. 228-233 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. PBL-tutorials in a hybrid curriculum: Opportunities and Challenges

    Harendza, S., Kuhnigk, O., Puttnies, F. & Anders, S., 2012, Researching Problem-based Learning in Clinical Education: The Next Generation. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, p. 207-222 16 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  37. Pediatric high grade glioma of the spinal cord: results of the HIT-GBM database.

    Wolff, B., Ng, A., Roth, D., Parthey, K., Warmuth-Metz, M., Eyrich, M., Kordes, U., Kortmann, R., Pietsch, T., Kramm, C. & Wolff, J. E., 2012, In: J NEURO-ONCOL. 107, 1, p. 139-146 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  38. Perceived treatment group affects behavioral and neural responses to visceral pain in a deceptive placebo study.

    Kotsis, V., Benson, S., Bingel, U., Forsting, M., Schedlowski, M., Gizewski, E. R. & Elsenbruch, S., 2012, In: NEUROGASTROENT MOTIL. 24, 10, p. 462-935 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Perception of overweight and obesity from different angles: a qualitative study.

    Sikorski, C., Riedel, C., Luppa, M., Schulze, B., Werner, P., König, H-H. & Riedel-Heller, S. G., 2012, In: SCAND J PUBLIC HEALT. 40, 3, p. 271-277 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Percutaneous multilevel reconstruction in revision surgery.

    Hansen-Algenstaedt, N., Schäfer, C., Beyerlein, J., Wiesner, L. & Knight, R., 2012, In: EUR SPINE J. 21, 6, p. 1220-1222 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Percutaneous scoliosis surgery.

    Hansen-Algenstaedt, N., Schäfer, C., Beyerlein, J. & Wiesner, L., 2012, In: EUR SPINE J. 21, 6, p. 1225-1227 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Perioperative Medizin bei Gefäßeingriffen

    Debus, E. S., Diener, H., Goepfert, M. & Kerner, T., 2012, Operative und interventionelle Gefäßmedizin. Springer, p. 325-344 20 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  43. Perioperative outcomes of robot-assisted radical prostatectomy compared with open radical prostatectomy: results from the nationwide inpatient sample.

    Trinh, Q-D., Sammon, J., Sun, M., Ravi, P., Ghani, K. R., Bianchi, M., Jeong, W., Shariat, S. F., Hansen, J., Schmitges, J., Jeldres, C., Rogers, C. G., Peabody, J. O., Montorsi, F., Menon, M. & Karakiewicz, P. I., 2012, In: EUR UROL. 61, 4, p. 679-685 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Perioperative Schmerztherapie

    Debus, E. S. & Daum, H., 2012, Operative und interventionelle Gefäßmedizin. Springer, p. 319-324 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  45. Periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit

    Stoberock, K., Larena-Avellaneda, A., Diener, H. & Debus, S., 2012, In: Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date. p. 19-33 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. Peroral endoscopic myotomy for the treatment of achalasia: a prospective single center study.

    von Renteln, D., Inoue, H., Minami, H., Werner, Y., Pace, A., Kersten, J. F., Much, C., Schachschal, G., Mann, O., Keller, J., Fuchs, K-H. & Rösch, T., 2012, In: AM J GASTROENTEROL. 107, 3, p. 411-417 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. Peroxiredoxins 3 and 4 are overexpressed in prostate cancer tissue and affect the proliferation of prostate cancer cells in vitro.

    Ummanni, R., Barreto, F., Venz, S., Scharf, C., Barett, C., Mannsperger, H. A., Brase, J. C., Kuner, R., Schlomm, T., Sauter, G., Sültmann, H., Korf, U., Bokemeyer, C., Walther, R., Brümmendorf, T. & Balabanov, S., 2012, In: J PROTEOME RES. 11, 4, p. 2452-2466 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  48. Persistent hemodynamic changes in ruptured brain arteriovenous malformations.

    Illies, T., Forkert, N., Säring, D., Wenzel, K., Ries, T., Regelsberger, J., Wegscheider, K. & Fiehler, J., 2012, In: STROKE. 43, 11, p. 2910-2915 11.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Persistent retroviral infection with MoMuLV influences neuropathological signature and phenotype of prion disease.

    Krasemann, S., Neumann, M., Luepke, J-P., Grashorn, J., Wurr, S., Stocking, C. & Glatzel, M., 2012, In: ACTA NEUROPATHOL. 124, 1, p. 111-126 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. [Personal factors of the ICF].

    Grotkamp, S., Cibis, W., Nüchtern, E., Baldus, A., Behrens, J., Bucher, P. O., Dommen Nyffeler, I., Gmünder, H. P., Gutenbrunner, C., Hagen, T., Keller, K., Pöthig, D., Queri, S., Rentsch, H. P., Rink, M., Schian, H., Schian, M., Schwarze, M., von Mittelstaedt, G. & Seger, W., 2012, In: GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 74, 7, p. 449-458 7.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  51. Personalized treatment of colorectal cancer.

    Arnold, D. & Stein, A., 2012, In: ONKOLOGIE. 35 Suppl 1, p. 42-48

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review