Center for Psychosocial Medicine


  1. 2009
  2. Effects of gender and cognitive-behavioral management of depressive symptoms on rehabilitation outcome among inpatient orthopedic patients with chronic low back pain: a 1 year longitudinal study.

    Hampel, P., Graef, T., Krohn-Grimberghe, B. & Tlach, L., 2009, In: EUR SPINE J. 18, 12, p. 1867-1880 12.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Effects of heroin-assisted treatment on alcohol consumption: findings of the German randomized controlled trial.

    Haasen, C., Eiroa-Orosa, F. J., Verthein, U., Soyka, M., Dilg, C., Schäfer, I. & Reimer, J., 2009, In: ALCOHOL. 43, 4, p. 259-264 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Effects of nitrogen dioxide on human health: systematic review of experimental and epidemiological studies conducted between 2002 and 2006.

    Latza, U., Gerdes, S. & Baur, X., 2009, In: INT J HYG ENVIR HEAL. 212, 3, p. 271-287 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. Effektivität von Interventionen in der Rehabilitation bei Prostatakarzinompatienten Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick

    Hergert, A., Hofreuter-Gätgens, K., Melchior, H., Morfeld, M., Schulz, H., Watzke, B., Koch, U. & Bergelt, C., 2009, In: PHYS MED REHAB KUROR. 19, 6, p. 311-325 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Einfluss der heroingestützten Behandlung auf den Alkoholkonsum Ergebnis der deutschen randomisierten Studie

    Haasen, C., Eiroa, F. J., Verthein, U., Soyka, M., Dilg, C., Schäfer, I. & Reimer, J., 2009, In: Suchtmedizin. 11, p. 183

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Einführung eines Mentorenprogramms für den Ersten Abschnitt des Studiums der Humanmedizin: Ergebnisse eines Pilotprojektes

    Petersen-Ewert, C., Kurré, J., Scholl, J., Guse, A. H. & Bullinger, M., 2009, In: GMS Z Med Ausbild. 26, 3, p. 1-6 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Einführung in die Ethik

    Baur, X., 2009, Ethik in der Arbeitsmedizin. ecomed Medizin, p. 21-29 9 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  9. Emotional valence and semantic relatedness differentially influence false recognition in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, and healthy elderly.

    Brueckner, K. & Moritz, S., 2009, In: J INT NEUROPSYCH SOC. 15, 2, p. 268-276 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Entschiedenes Handeln notwendig. Die Daten zur suchtmedizinischen Versorgung Opiatabhängiger in deutschen Haftanstalten machen deutlich, dass dringend Handlungsbedarf besteht

    Reimer, J., Schulte, B. & Stöver, H., 2009, In: Deut Arzteblatt. 106, p. 540-541

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Entwicklung eines elektronischen Expertensystems. Diagnostik und Therapie depressiver Erkrankungen in der ambulanten Versorgung.

    Bermejo, I., Komarahadi, F., Borgert, O., Peetz, A., Berger, M. & Härter, M., 2009, In: NERVENHEILKUNDE. 28, 4, p. 186-191 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Entwicklung evidenzbasierter Leitlinien

    Augustin, M., 2009, Tumoren der Haut: Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Therapie in der dermatologischen Onkologie. Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart, p. 69-76 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  13. Entwicklungspsychopathologisches Modell

    Thomasius, R., Stolle, M. & Sack, P-M., 2009, Suchtstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Das Handbuch: Grundlagen und Praxis. Schattauer, p. 139-146 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  14. [Epidemiological methods for health services research]

    Glaeske, G., Augustin, M., Abholz, H., Banik, N., Brüggenjürgen, B., Hasford, J., Hoffmann, W., Kruse, J., Lange, S., Schäfer, T., Schubert, I., Trampisch, H-J. & Windeler, J., 2009, In: GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 71, 10, p. 685-693 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  15. Epidemiology and clinical pattern of psoriatic arthritis in Germany: a prospective interdisciplinary epidemiological study of 1511 patients with plaque-type psoriasis.

    Reich, K., Krüger, K., Mössner, R. & Augustin, M., 2009, In: BRIT J DERMATOL. 160, 5, p. 1040-1047 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Establishing remission and good clinical functioning in schizophrenia: predictors of best outcome with long-term risperidone long-acting injectable treatment.

    Lambert, M., De Marinis, T., Pfeil, J., Naber, D. & Schreiner, A., 2009, In: EUR PSYCHIAT.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Estimating the risk of communicable diseases aboard cargo ships.

    Schlaich, C., Oldenburg, M. & Lamshöft, M. M., 2009, In: J TRAVEL MED. 16, 6, p. 402-406 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. [Evaluation of Germany's sixth national health target entitled "Depressive illnesses - prevention, early diagnosis, sustainable treatment"]

    Bermejo, I., Klärs, G., Böhm, K., Hundertmark-Mayser, J., Lampert, T., Maschewsky-Schneider, U., Riedel-Heller, S. & Härter, M., 2009, In: BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 52, 10, p. 897-904 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Evaluation of Quality of Care and Guideline-Compliant Treatment in Psoriasis. Development of a New System of Quality Indicators.

    Radtke, M., Reich, K., Blome, C., Kopp, I., Rustenbach, S. J., Schäfer, I. & Augustin, M., 2009, In: DERMATOLOGY. 219(1), p. 54-58

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. Evaluation von Interventionen bei Suchtstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter

    Barkmann, C., Sack, P-M. & Schulte-Markwort, M., 2009, Suchtstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Das Handbuch: Grundlagen und Praxis. Schattauer, p. 280-291 12 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  21. [Evidence-based patient information: the example of immunotherapy for patients with multiple sclerosis]

    Kasper, J., Heesen, C. & Mühlhauser, I., 2009, In: BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 52, 1, p. 77-85 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  22. [Evidence-based treatments in the rehabilitation of patients with depression--a literature review].

    Dirmaier, J., Krattenmacher, T., Watzke, B., Koch-Gromus, U., Schulz, H. & Barghaan, D., 2009, In: PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  23. Evidence for an attentional bias for washing- and checking-relevant stimuli in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    Moritz, S., Adrian, V. M., Randjbar, S., Fricke, S. & Jelinek, L., 2009, In: J INT NEUROPSYCH SOC. 15, 3, p. 365-371 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  24. Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitserziehung

    Kliche, T., 2009, Handbuch Gesundheitserziehung. Huber, Bern, p. 107-117 11 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  25. Evidenzbasierte Medizin und die psychiatrische Praxis

    Kriston, L. & Berner, M. M., 2009, In: Psychiat Psychother up2date. 3, 1, p. 49-67 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. Evidenz und praktische Erfahrungen zur Anwendung von Leitlinien in der Wundbehandlung

    Debus, ES. & Augustin, M., 2009, Moderne Wundversorgung: im Spannungsfeld zwischen Qualitätsanspruch, Zuständigkeiten und Sparzwang. mhp Verlag Wiesbaden, p. 31-46 16 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  27. Evolution of Abeta42 and Abeta40 levels and Abeta42/Abeta40 ratio in plasma during progression of Alzheimer's disease: a multicenter assessment.

    Blennow, K., De Meyer, G., Hansson, O., Minthon, L., Wallin, A., Zetterberg, H., Lewczuk, P., Vanderstichele, H., Vanmechelen, E., Kornhuber, J., Wiltfang, J., Heuser, I., Maier, W., Luckhaus, C., Rüther, E., Hüll, M., Jahn, H., Gertz, H. J., Frölich, L., Hampel, H. & Pernetzki, R., 2009, In: J NUTR HEALTH AGING. 13, 3, p. 205-208 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Evolutionspsychologie

    Klusmann, D., 2009, Handbuch Anthropologie: Der Mensch zwischen Natur, Kultur und Technik. Metzler, p. 130-137 7 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  29. [Expanding papillomatous nodule on forearm with acute lymphangitis. Case of diagnosis]

    Radtke, M., Günzl, H-J., Siemann-Harms, U., Augustin, M. & Coors, E., 2009, In: HAUTARZT. 60, 6, p. 498-501 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. Experienced-Involvement In die Psychiatrie kommt Bewegung

    Bock, T., 2009, In: InBalance. 5, 1, p. 7 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Explaining the effectiveness of heroin-assisted treatment on crime reductions.

    Löbmann, R. & Verthein, U., 2009, In: LAW HUMAN BEHAV. 33, 1, p. 83-95 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  32. Familientherapeutische Frühintervention

    Küstner, U., Sack, P-M., Stolle, M. & Thomasius, R., 2009, Suchtstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Das Handbuch: Grundlagen und Praxis. Schattauer, p. 292-296 5 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  33. Fear of cancer progression and cancer-related intrusive cognitions in breast cancer survivors.

    Mehnert, A., Berg, P., Henrich, G. & Herschbach, P., 2009, In: PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 18, 12, p. 1273-1280 12.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  34. Female Sexual Offenders

    Berner, W., Briken, P. & Hill, A., 2009, Sex Offenders: Identification, Risk Assessment, Treatment, and Legal Issues. Oxford University Press, p. 276-285 10 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  35. Forensisch-relevante sexuelle Störungen

    Briken, P., Hill, A. & Berner, W., 2009, Neurobiologie forensisch-relevanter Störungen. Kohlhammer, p. 378-385 8 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  36. Formelle und informelle Unterstützungsnetzwerke in unterschiedlichen Pflegesituationen - ein europäischer Vergleich.

    Lüdecke, D. & Mnich, E., 2009, Behinderung und Alter: Gesellschaftliche Teilhabe 2030. Kuratorium Deutsche Alter, p. 131-141 11 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  37. Formen weiblicher Perversion

    Moldzio, A. & Richter-Appelt, H., 2009, Borderline-Störungen und Sexualität: Ätiologie - Störungsbild - Therapie. Schattauer, p. 175-180 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  38. Formulating transference in cognitive and dynamic psychotherapies using role relationship models.

    Horowitz, M. J. & Möller, B., 2009, In: J PSYCHIATR PRACT. 15, 1, p. 25-33 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Fractures after nursing home admission: incidence and potential consequences.

    Rapp, K., Lamb, S. E., Klenk, J., Kleiner, A., Heinrich, S., König, H-H., Nikolaus, T. & Becker, C., 2009, In: OSTEOPOROSIS INT. 20, 10, p. 1775-1783 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Gender differences in predictors of nursing home placement in the elderly: a systematic review.

    Luppa, M., Luck, T., Weyerer, S., König, H-H. & Riedel-Heller, S. G., 2009, In: INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 21, 6, p. 1015-1025 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Gender differences in premorbid, entry, treatment, and outcome characteristics in a treated epidemiological sample of 661 patients with first episode psychosis.

    Cotton, S. M., Lambert, M., Schimmelmann, B. G., Foley, D. L., Morley, K. I., McGorry, P. D. & Conus, P., 2009, In: SCHIZOPHR RES. 114, 1-3, p. 17-24 1-3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Gender identity and coping in female 46, XY adults with androgen biosynthesis deficiency (intersexuality/DSD).

    Schweizer, K., Brunner, F., Schützmann, K., Schönbucher, V. & Richter-Appelt, H., 2009, In: J COUNS PSYCHOL. 56, 1, p. 189-201 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. Gender identity disorder in children and adolescents.

    Möller, B., Schreier, H., Li, A. & Romer, G., 2009, In: CURR PROB PEDIATR AD. 39, 5, p. 117-143 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Gene polymorphisms in prodynorphin (PDYN) are associated with episodic memory in the elderly.

    Kölsch, H., Wagner, M., Bilkei-Gorzó, A., Toliat, M. R., Pentzek, M., Fuchs, A., Kaduszkiewicz, H., Bussche van den, H., Riedel-Heller, S. G., Angermeyer, M. C., Weyerer, S., Werle, J., Bickel, H., Mösch, E., Wiese, B., Daerr, M., Jessen, F., Maier, W. & Dichgans, M., 2009, In: J NEURAL TRANSM. 116, 7, p. 897-903 7.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. [General practitioner-centred health-care in Germany. The general practitioner as gatekeeper]

    Höhne, A., Jedlitschka, K., Hobler, D. & Landenberger, M., 2009, In: GESUNDHEITSWESEN. 71, 7, p. 414-422 7.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. General practitioners and online continuing medical education - which factors influence its use?

    Ruf, D., Kriston, L., Berner, M. & Härter, M., 2009, In: Ger Med Sci. 7, p. 8

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. General practitioners' judgment of their elderly patients' cognitive status.

    Pentzek, M., Fuchs, A., Wiese, B., Cvetanovska-Pllashniku, G., Haller, F., Maier, W., Riedel-Heller, S. G., Angermeyer, M. C., Bickel, H., Mösch, E., Weyerer, S., Werle, J., Bussche van den, H., Eisele, M. & Kaduszkiewicz, H., 2009, In: J GEN INTERN MED. 24, 12, p. 1314-1317 12.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  48. Genome-wide association study identifies variants at CLU and PICALM associated with Alzheimer's disease.

    Harold, D., Abraham, R., Hollingworth, P., Sims, R., Gerrish, A., Hamshere, M. L., Pahwa, J. S., Moskvina, V., Dowzell, K., Williams, A., Jones, N., Thomas, C., Stretton, A., Morgan, A. R., Lovestone, S., Powell, J., Proitsi, P., Lupton, M. K., Brayne, C., Rubinsztein, D. C., Gill, M., Lawlor, B., Lynch, A., Morgan, K., Brown, K. S., Passmore, P. A., Craig, D., McGuinness, B., Todd, S., Holmes, C., Mann, D., Smith, A. D., Love, S., Kehoe, P. G., Hardy, J., Mead, S., Fox, N., Rossor, M., Collinge, J., Maier, W., Jessen, F., Schürmann, B., Bussche van den, H., Heuser, I., Kornhuber, J., Wiltfang, J., Dichgans, M., Frölich, L., Hampel, H., Hüll, M., Rujescu, D., Goate, A. M., Kauwe, J. S. K., Cruchaga, C., Nowotny, P., Morris, J. C., Mayo, K., Sleegers, K., Bettens, K., Engelborghs, S., Deyn, D., Peter, P., Christine, V. B., Livingston, G., Bass, N. J., Gurling, H., McQuillin, A., Gwilliam, R., Deloukas, P., Al-Chalabi, A., Shaw, C. E., Tsolaki, M., Singleton, A. B., Guerreiro, R., Mühleisen, T. W., Nöthen, M. M., Moebus, S., Jöckel, K-H., Klopp, N., Wichmann, H-E., Carrasquillo, M. M., Pankratz, V. S., Younkin, S. G., Holmans, P. A., Michael, OD., Owen, M. J. & Williams, J., 2009, In: NAT GENET. 41, 10, p. 1088-1093 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Geschlechtsidentitätsstörungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter

    Möller, B., Schreier, H. & Romer, G., 2009, In: Z SEXUALFORSCH. 22, p. 227-254

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. Geschlechtsspezifische psychische Belastungen und Lebensqualität bei Partnern von Krebspatienten in der onkologischen Rehabilitation

    Bergelt, C., Lehmann, C., Welk, HJ., Barth, J., Gaspar, M., Ghalehie, S., Günzel, K., Kaufmann, CC., Kiehne, U., Rotsch, M., Schmidt, R., Steimann, M. & Koch, U., 2009, Psychoonkologie: Eine Disziplin in der Entwicklung. Hogrefe-Verlag, p. 80-93 14 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review