1. 2012
  2. Cost effectiveness analysis of immunotherapy in patients with grass pollen allergic rhinoconjunctivitis in Germany.

    Westerhout, K. Y., Verheggen, B. G., Schreder, C. H. & Augustin, M., 2012, In: J MED ECON. 15, 5, p. 906-917 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Cost-effectiveness of 12-month therapeutic assertive community treatment as part of integrated care versus standard care in patients with schizophrenia treated with quetiapine immediate release (ACCESS trial).

    Karow, A., Reimer, J., König, H-H., Heider, D., Bock, T., Huber, C., Schöttle, D., Meister, K., Rietschel, L., Ohm, G., Schulz, H., Naber, D., Schimmelmann, B. G. & Lambert, M., 2012, In: J CLIN PSYCHIAT. 73, 3, p. 402-408 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Cost-of-illness studies and cost-effectiveness analyses in eating disorders: a systematic review.

    Stuhldreher, N., Konnopka, A., Wild, B., Herzog, W., Zipfel, S., Löwe, B. & König, H-H., 2012, In: INT J EAT DISORDER. 45, 4, p. 476-491 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. [Costs of diseases with long-term survival].

    Brettschneider, C., Konnopka, A. & König, H-H., 2012, In: BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 55, 4, p. 468-473 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Coupling of voltage-sensors to the channel pore: a comparative view.

    Vardanyan, V. & Pongs, O., 2012, In: FRONT PHARMACOL. 3, p. 145

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Course and predictors of posttraumatic stress among male train drivers after the experience of 'person under the train' incidents.

    Mehnert, A., Nanninga, I., Fauth, M. & Schäfer, I., 2012, In: J PSYCHOSOM RES. 73, 3, p. 191-196 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review


    Wolff, J., Hasselblatt, M., Hartung, S., Powell, M., Garami, M., Traunecker, H., Thall, P., Mahajan, A., Kordes, U. & Sumerauer, D., 2012, In: J NEURO-ONCOL. 14, p. i153

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearch

  9. Creating probabilistic maps of the face network in the adolescent brain: a multicentre functional MRI study.

    Tahmasebi, A. M., Artiges, E., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G. J., Bruehl, R., Büchel, C., Conrod, P. J., Flor, H., Garavan, H., Finsterbusch, J., Heinz, A., Ittermann, B., Loth, E., Mareckova, K., Martinot, J-L., Poline, J-B., Rietschel, M., Smolka, M. N., Ströhle, A., Schumann, G., Paus, T. & Consortium, IMAGEN., 2012, In: HUM BRAIN MAPP. 33, 4, p. 938-957 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. Cre-mediated stress affects sirtuin expression levels, peroxisome biogenesis and metabolism, antioxidant and proinflammatory signaling pathways.

    Xiao, Y., Karnati, S., Qian, G., Nenicu, A., Fan, W., Tchatalbachev, S., Höland, A., Hossain, H., Guillou, F., Lüers, G. & Baumgart-Vogt, E., 2012, In: PLOS ONE. 7, 7, p. 41097 7.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. [Criminology and victimology of rape in context with war-like conflicts using the example of the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda].

    Nittmann, C., Franke, B., Augustin, C. & Püschel, K., 2012, In: Arch Kriminol. 230, 1-2, p. 1-12 1-2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. Critical imbalance of TNF-α and soluble TNF receptor 1 in a patient with macrophage activation syndrome: potential implications for diagnostics and treatment.

    Flammiger, A., Fiedler, W., Bacher, U., Bokemeyer, C., Schneider, M. & Binder, M., 2012, In: ACTA HAEMATOL-BASEL. 128, 2, p. 69-72 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Critical role of the adhesion receptor DNAX accessory molecule-1 (DNAM-1) in the development of inflammation-driven dermal fibrosis in a mouse model of systemic sclerosis.

    Avouac, J., Elhai, M., Tomcik, M., Ruiz, B., Friese, M. A., Piedavent, M., Colonna, M., Bernhardt, G., Kahan, A., Chiocchia, G., Distler, J. H. W. & Allanore, Y., 2012, In: ANN RHEUM DIS. 72(6), p. 1089-1098

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  14. Cross-comparison of protein recognition of sialic acid diversity on two novel sialoglycan microarrays.

    Padler-Karavani, V., Song, X., Yu, H., Hurtado-Ziola, N., Huang, S., Muthana, S., Chokhawala, H. A., Cheng, J., Verhagen, A., Langereis, M. A., Kleene, R., Schachner, M., Groot, D., Raoul, J., Lasanajak, Y., Matsuda, H., Schwab, R., Chen, X., Smith, D. F., Cummings, R. D. & Varki, A., 2012, In: J BIOL CHEM. 287, 27, p. 22593-22608 27.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  15. Cross-cultural training in mental health care--challenges and experiences from Sweden and Germany.

    Bäärnhielm, S. & Mösko, M., 2012, In: EUR PSYCHIAT. 27 Suppl 2, p. 70-75

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Crosstalk between cancer and haemostasis. Implications for cancer biology and cancer-associated thrombosis with focus on tissue factor.

    Langer, F. & Bokemeyer, C., 2012, In: HAMOSTASEOLOGIE. 32, 2, p. 95-104 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Crosstalk of the plasma contact system with bacteria.

    Nickel, K. F. & Renné, T., 2012, In: THROMB RES. 130 Suppl 1, p. 78-83

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. CSF fistulas after transsphenoidal pituitary surgery--a solved problem?

    Malik, M. U., Aberle, J. & Flitsch, J., 2012, In: CENT EUR NEUROSURG. 73, 5, p. 275-280 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. CT Lesion Model-Based Structural Allografts: Custom Fabrication and Clinical Experience.

    Brune, J. C., Hesselbarth, U., Seifert, P., Nowack, D., von Versen, R., Smith, M. D. & Seifert, D., 2012, In: TRANSFUS MED HEMOTH. 39, 6, p. 395-404 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. Current challenges in personalized treatment for colorectal cancer

    Arnold, D. & Stein, A., 2012, In: COLORECTAL CANCER. 1, 3, p. 185-188 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalOther (editorial matter etc.)Research

  21. Current Schizophrenia - 3nd edition.

    Lambert, M. & Naber, D., 2012, Springer Healthcare Group. 212 p.

    Research output: Book/anthologyCollected edition/anthology

  22. [Current status of therapeutic approaches with targeted therapies in malignant thyroid cancer. Highlights from the 2011 ASCO Congress].

    Uecker, F. C., Laban, S. & Knecht, R., 2012, In: HNO. 60, 5, p. 398, 400-403 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  23. Current trends and future perspectives of bone substitute materials - from space holders to innovative biomaterials.

    Kolk, A., Handschel, J., Drescher, W., Rothamel, D., Kloss, F., Blessmann, M., Heiland, M., Wolff, K-D. & Smeets, R., 2012, In: J CRANIO MAXILL SURG. 40, 8, p. 706-718 8.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  24. [Customer and patient satisfaction. An appropriate management tool in hospitals?].

    Pawils, S., Trojan, A., Nickel, S. & Bleich, C., 2012, In: BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLA. 55, 9, p. 1183-1189 9.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  25. CXCR4/CXCL12 participate in extravasation of metastasizing breast cancer cells within the liver in a rat model

    Wendel, C., Hemping-Bovenkerk, A., Krasnyanska, J., Mees, S. T., Kochetkova, M., Stoeppeler, S. & Haier, J., 2012, In: PLOS ONE. 7, 1, p. e30046

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. CXCR4/SDF-1α-mediated chemotaxis in an in vivo model of metastatic esophageal carcinoma.

    Gros, S., Graeff, H., Drenckhan, A., Kurschat, N., Blessmann, M., Rawnaq, T. & Izbicki, J. R., 2012, In: IN VIVO. 26, 4, p. 711-718 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. Cyclosporine immunosuppression does not prevent the production of donor-specific antibody capable of mediating allograft vasculopathy.

    Gareau, A. J., Nashan, B., Hirsch, G. M. & Lee, T. D. G., 2012, In: J HEART LUNG TRANSPL. 31, 8, p. 874-880 8.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. Cytokines and sudden infant death.

    Vennemann, M. M. T., Loddenkötter, B., Fracasso, T., Mitchell, E. A., Debertin, A. S., Larsch, K. P., Sperhake, J., Brinkmann, B., Sauerland, C., Lindemann, M. & Bajanowski, T., 2012, In: INT J LEGAL MED. 126, 2, p. 279-284 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  29. Cytoreductive nephrectomy in the elderly: a population-based cohort from the USA.

    Sun, M., Abdollah, F., Schmitges, J., Bianchi, M., Tian, Z., Shariat, S. F., Zorn, K., Pharand, D., Widmer, H., Graefen, M., Montorsi, F., Perrotte, P. & Karakiewicz, P. I., 2012, In: BJU INT. 109(12), p. 1807-1812

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. Das Hamburger Modellprojekt für sexuell auffällige Minderjährige

    Klein, V., Rettenberger, M. & Briken, P., 2012, In: Kinder- und Jugendschutz in Wissenschaft und Praxis. 57, 1, p. 8-11 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Das Hamburger Modellprojekt zur Kooperation zwischen Selbsthilfegruppen und Krankenhäusern

    Bobzien, M., Nickel, S. & Trojan, A., 2012, Selbsthilfefreundlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen: Wie sich selbsthilfebezogene Patientenorientierung systematisch entwickeln und verankern lässt. Wirtschaftsverlag NW, p. 42-63 22 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  32. Das Hochbegabten-Zentrum - Evaluation einer kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen Spezialambulanz

    Weidtmann, K., Bachmann, M., Schulte-Markwort, M. & Barkmann, C., 2012, In: Forum Kinder-Jugendpsych Psychosom Psychother. 22, 3, p. 14 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  33. Das infizierte arterielle Aneurysma

    Larena-Avellaneda, A. & Debus, E. S., 2012, Operative und interventionelle Gefäßmedizin. Springer, p. 883-888 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  34. Das Körpererleben bei Personen mit veränderter Androgenwirkung und verschiedenen Formen der Infertilität – Ein Vergleich von Frauen mit kompletter Androgeninsensitivität, Frauen mit Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrom und Frauen mit einem Polyzystischen-Ovar-Syndrom

    Prochnow, C., Huber, K., Fliegner, M., Cerwenka, S., Januszewski, A., Brucker, S., Rall, K. & Richter-Appelt, H., 2012, Die Psyche im Spiegel der Hormone. Beiträge der 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe (DGPFG e. V.). Mabuse-Verlag, p. 275-280 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  35. Das optimale okklusale Konzept für Totalprothesen

    Trützschler, S., Seedorf, H. & Heydecke, G., 2012, In: Quintessenz Zahntechnik. 38, 11, p. 1388-1396 11.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. Das optimale okklusale Konzept für Totalprothesen - Eine Übersicht

    Trützschler, S., Seedorf, H. & Heydecke, G., 2012, In: Quintessenz. 63, 6, p. 741-749 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  37. Das Schiff als Ort des Wahnsinns – Hitzschläge, Misshandlungen und Suizide von Heizern und Trimmern im transozeanischen Seeverkehr

    Wulf, S. & Schmiedebach, H-P., 2012, Am Rande des Wahnsinns: Schwellenräume einer urbanen Moderne. Böhlau Wien, p. 57-80 24 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  38. DAVID - Diagnostik, akuttherapie, Validation auf einer internistischen Station für Menschen mit Demenz

    Lüdecke, D. & Poppele, G., 2012, Versorgung gemeinsam gestalten, aber wie?: MSD-Forum Gesundheitspartner.. Amelung, V., Hess, R., Koschorrek, R., Lang, T., Quodt, H., Schwartz, FW. & Scriba, PC. (eds.). Haar: MSD Gesundheitspreis, p. 69-80

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologyOtherResearch

  39. Death certificates are valid for the determination of cause of death in patients with upper and lower tract urothelial carcinoma.

    Rink, M., Fajkovic, H., Cha, E. K., Gupta, A., Karakiewicz, P. I., Chun, F., Lotan, Y. & Shariat, S. F., 2012, In: EUR UROL. 61, 4, p. 854-855 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Deciding when to decide: time-variant sequential sampling models explain the emergence of value-based decisions in the human brain.

    Gluth, S., Rieskamp, J. & Büchel, C., 2012, In: J NEUROSCI. 32, 31, p. 10686-10698 31.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Deciphering Phosphotyrosine-Dependent Signaling Networks in Cancer by SH2 Profiling.

    Machida, K., Khenkhar, M. & Nollau, P., 2012, In: Genes Cancer. 3, 5-6, p. 353-361 5-6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. Decoding the contents of visual short-term memory from human visual and parietal cortex.

    Christophel, T. B., Hebart, M. & Haynes, J-D., 2012, In: J NEUROSCI. 32, 38, p. 12983-12989 38.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. Decoding the perception of pain from fMRI using multivariate pattern analysis.

    Brodersen, K. H., Wiech, K., Lomakina, E. I., Lin, C-S., Buhmann, J. M., Bingel, U., Ploner, M., Stephan, K. E. & Tracey, I., 2012, In: NEUROIMAGE. 63, 3, p. 1162-1170 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Decreased hydrocortisone sensitivity of T cell function in multiple sclerosis-associated major depression.

    Fischer, A., Otte, C., Krieger, T., Nicholls, R. A., Krüger, S., Ziegler, K. J., Schulz, K-H., Heesen, C. & Gold, S., 2012, In: PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO. 37, 10, p. 1712-1718 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. Decreased levels of nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase 1 are associated with cartilage calcification in osteoarthritis and trigger osteoarthritic changes in mice.

    Bertrand, J., Nitschke, Y., Fuerst, M., Hermann, S., Schäfers, M., Sherwood, J., Nalesso, G., Rüther, W., Rutsch, F., Dell'Accio, F. & Pap, T., 2012, In: ANN RHEUM DIS. 71, 7, p. 1249-1253 7.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. Defective proteolytic systems in Mybpc3-targeted mice with cardiac hypertrophy.

    Schlossarek, S., Englmann, D. R., Sultan, K. R., Sauer, M., Eschenhagen, T. & Carrier, L., 2012, In: BASIC RES CARDIOL. 107, 1, p. 235 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. Defects in Transport: Mucolipidosis II alpha/beta, mucolipidosis III alpha/beta and mucolipidosis III gamma

    Raas-Rothschild, A., Pohl, S. & Braulke, T., 2012, Lysosomal Storage Disorders: A Practical Guide. WileyBlackwell, London, p. 121-126 6 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to book/anthologySCORING: Contribution to collected editions/anthologiesResearchpeer-review

  48. Defibrotide for prophylaxis of hepatic veno-occlusive disease in paediatric haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation: an open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled trial.

    Corbacioglu, S., Cesaro, S., Faraci, M., Valteau-Couanet, D., Gruhn, B., Rovelli, A., Boelens, J. J., Hewitt, A., Schrum, J., Schulz, A. S., Müller, I., Stein, J., Wynn, R., Greil, J., Sykora, K-W., Matthes-Martin, S., Führer, M., O'Meara, A., Toporski, J., Sedlacek, P., Schlegel, P. G., Ehlert, K., Fasth, A., Winiarski, J., Arvidson, J., Mauz-Körholz, C., Ozsahin, H., Schrauder, A., Bader, P., Massaro, J., D'Agostino, R., Hoyle, M., Iacobelli, M., Debatin, K-M., Peters, C. & Dini, G., 2012, In: LANCET. 379, 9823, p. 1301-1309 9823.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Deficiency for the ubiquitin ligase UBE3B in a blepharophimosis-ptosis-intellectual-disability syndrome.

    Basel-Vanagaite, L., Dallapiccola, B., Ramirez-Solis, R., Segref, A., Thiele, H., Edwards, A., Arends, M. J., Miró, X., White, J. K., Désir, J., Abramowicz, M., Dentici, M. L., Lepri, F., Hofmann, K., Har-Zahav, A., Ryder, E., Karp, N. A., Estabel, J., Gerdin, A-K. B., Podrini, C., Ingham, N. J., Altmüller, J., Nürnberg, G., Frommolt, P., Abdelhak, S., Pasmanik-Chor, M., Konen, O., Kelley, R. I., Shohat, M., Nürnberg, P., Flint, J., Steel, K. P., Hoppe, T., Kubisch, C., Adams, D. J. & Borck, G., 2012, In: AM J HUM GENET. 91, 6, p. 998-1010 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. Deficient coordination of gaze-hand-feet-control with a deactivated sub-thalamic nucleus stimulator: Driving performance in Parkinson’s disease

    Zangemeister, W., Maintz, L. & Buhmann, C., 2012, In: NCM (Neural Control of Movement Society). 15, p. 61

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalConference abstract in journalResearch

  51. Delayed applications of L1 and chondroitinase ABC promote recovery after spinal cord injury.

    Lee, H. K., Bian, S., Jakovcevski, I., Wu, B., Irintchev, A. & Schachner, M., 2012, In: J NEUROTRAUM. 29, 10, p. 1850-1863 10.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review