Den Mangel überleben: Natürliche Anpassungen bei Neugeborenen

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Newborns are equipped with a number of natural adaptation mechanisms preventing them from impaired energy supply, despite their elevated (size-related) metabolic rate. These include the diving response known from aquatic mammals, which - being composed of apnea, bradycardia, and vasoconstriction - ensures an economical use of O2 reserves and results in a subsequent influx of lactate out of peripheral tissues. From a metabolic point of view, mammalian fetuses behave "like an organ of the mother" and thus exhibit a hibernation-like deviation from the overall metabolic size relationship that adapts them to the limited intrauterine O2/substrate availability. In case of lacking supply, they can reduce their energy demands even further by foregoing growth, with the placenta acting as a gatekeeper. Postnatal hypoxia does not only result in the suppression of non-shivering thermogenesis, but also in a hypoxic hypometabolism that otherwise has only been known from poikilothermic animals. After prolonged apnea, gasps do occur that maintain a rudimentary heart action through short elevations in pO2 (autoresuscitation). Overall, these mechanisms postpone a critical O2 deficit and thereby provide a "resistance" rather than a "tolerance" to hypoxia. As they are based on an (active) reduction in energy demand, they are not easy to distinguish from the (passive) breakdown of metabolism resulting from hypoxia.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionSurviving the Lack: Natural Adaptations in Newborns
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 06.2021
PubMed 33285584