Arbeitsbedingungen von Pflegekräften in der allgemeinen Palliativversorgung in Deutschland - Eine Querschnittbefragung


Working conditions of nurses in general palliative care in Germany - A cross-sectional survey Abstract. Background: Most terminally ill people are treated within general palliative care including outpatient care, nursing homes and hospitals. In contrast, only a small number is treated within specialised palliative care. Nursing research within the framework of palliative care focuses on the latter.

AIM: To investigate the working conditions of nurses working in general palliative care and to analyse potential differences between nurses in outpatient care, in nursing homes and in hospitals.

METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among nurses working in outpatient care, in nursing homes and in hospitals. The questionnaire included questions about working conditions, parts of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and self-developed questions. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were conducted.

RESULTS: 437 questionnaires entered final analyses (response rate 16.7 %). On average, nurses spend 20 % of their working time with palliative care. Every fourth nurse (n = 104) express the wish for an additional qualification in palliative care. The following demands are reported: confrontation with pain, death and dying, as well as care of relatives. 59 % (n = 249) of the nurses evaluate the quality of palliative care as good / very good.

CONCLUSIONS: Nurses are faced with demands, which so far had only been a subject of discussion within the framework of the specialised palliative care. Further steps for action, in particular the additional qualification in palliative care for nurses, should be discussed.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 04.2021
PubMed 33576697