Zur klinischen Bedeutung reduzierter Exekutivfunktionen bei älteren Patient:innen mit psychischen Erkrankungen

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Research question: Executive functions (EF) show increasing deficits in old age. There are also numerous studies demonstrating the importance of EF in relation to depression, anxiety dis-orders and post-traumatic stress disorder in older patients. Methods: The study presented examined this question in a sample of patients in a psychoso-matic clinic who were in middle (< 60years) and older age (≥ 60years) (N = 150) and compa-red them with a psychologically non-stressed comparison sample (N = 157). The survey in-strument used to assess EF was the Trail-Making Test (TMT). Results: The results show age and setting differences, i. e. older as well as mentally ill subjects showed worse results; an interaction effect was also found. Associations of symptoms and EF were found only in the elderly sample, but not in the middle-aged sample. Conclusions: The results show that the importance of impaired executive functions is a clinically relevant variable in psychotherapy of the elderly.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionOn the clinical significance of reduced executive functions in elderly patients with mental illnesses
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2024