The histone methyltransferase and putative oncoprotein MMSET is overexpressed in a large variety of human tumors.

  • Heidi Rye Hudlebusch
  • Eric Santoni-Rugiu
  • Ronald Simon
  • Elisabeth Ralfkiær
  • Henrik Holm Rossing
  • Jens Vilstrup Johansen
  • Mette Jørgensen
  • Guido Sauter
  • Kristian Helin

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Multiple myeloma SET (Suppressor of variegation, Enhancer of zeste, and Trithorax) domain (MMSET) is a histone lysine methyltransferase deregulated in a subgroup of multiple myelomas with the t(4;14)(p16;q32) translocation and poor prognosis. With the aim of understanding, if MMSET can be involved in other types of cancer we investigated the expression of MMSET protein in different types of human tumors.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number9
Publication statusPublished - 2011
pubmed 21385930