The German Hep-Net acute hepatitis C cohort: impact of viral and host factors on the initial presentation of acute hepatitis C virus infection.

  • K Deterding
  • J Wiegand
  • N Grüner
  • A Hahn
  • E Jäckel
  • M C Jung
  • Peter Buggisch
  • P Galle
  • T Berg
  • H Hinrichsen
  • A Potthoff
  • S Zeuzem
  • M Cornberg
  • M Manns
  • H Wedemeyer

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INTRODUCTION: The impacts of viral load, genotype, age, sex and BMI on the clinical course of acute hepatitis C are poorly defined. Here we studied 259 patients with acute HCV infection recruited in the German Hep-Net data base between 1998 and 2008. Antiviral treatment with interferon alpha was initiated in 171 patients (66 %) within 4 months after the diagnosis of acute hepatitis C. RESULTS: In this cohort (i) the mode of infection was associated with age as iv-drug users were significantly younger than non-iv-drug users while the proportion of patients who acquired HCV by medical procedures increased with age; (ii) patients younger than 30 years were more often infected with genotype 3 (26 % versus 8 % for patients older than 50 years; p = 0.03); (iii) 51 % of patients were icteric and 28 % presented with a 30-fold elevation of liver enzymes, however, no fulminant hepatic failure occurred; (iv) HCV genotype was not associated with disease severity and time to onset of symptoms; (v) low HCV viremia was associated with lower serum AST levels and a longer time from exposure to onset of symptoms; (vi) disease severity was independent from the mode of infection, age, sex and body mass index (BMI). CONCLUSIONS: In this large cohort of patients admitted for antiviral therapy, acute hepatitis C took a rather mild course of disease in the majority of patients. Disease severity was not associated with HCV genotype, viral load, age, sex and BMI.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number6
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 19533544