Resilienzentwicklung gegen Pandemien in Quartieren mit besonderem Entwicklungsbedarf

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Shortly after travel restrictions due to pandemic lockdowns were implemented, it became clear that in neighbourhoods and districts traditionally considered as ‘disadvantaged’ or ‘with special development needs’ incidences were particularly high and at the same time there was a lower propensity to get vaccinated.

The presented analysis will give an overview of monitoring systems and measures against Corona in disadvantaged neighbourhoods of some major cities in Germany. A supra-regional internet search was used to look at cities with positive approaches in order to identify models of good practice (Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Berlin, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, München).

This inventory of more or less comprehensive approaches to pandemic-related small-scale health reporting and measures to increase vaccination and testing readiness was used to identify the most important elements of sustainable resilience building against pandemics in neighbourhoods with special risks and needs for assistance.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionBuilding community resilience in neighbourhoods with special development needs
Original languageGerman
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2023