Reconduction After Second-Generation Cryoballoon-Based Pulmonary Vein Isolation - Impact of Different Ablation Strategies

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BACKGROUND: The second-generation cryoballoon (CB2) has demonstrated high procedural efficacy and convincing clinical success rates for pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). Nevertheless, data on the impact of different ablations protocols on durability are limited. The aim was to comparing the durability of PVI following 3 different ablation strategies in patients with recurrence of atrial fibrillation or atrial tachycardia undergoing repeat procedures.Methods and Results:In 192 patients, a total of 751 PVs were identified. All PVs were successfully isolated during index PVI. Thirty-one out of 192 (16%) patients were treated with a bonus-freeze protocol (group 1), 67/192 (35%) patients with a no bonus-freeze protocol (group 2), and 94/192 (49%) patients with a time-to-effect-guided protocol (group 3). Persistent PVI was documented in 419/751 (55.8%) PVs, and in 41/192 (21%) patients, all PVs were persistently isolated. The total rate of PV reconnection was not significantly different between the groups (P=0.134) and the comparison of individual PVs revealed no differences (P-values for RSPV: 0.424, RIPV: 0.541, LSPV: 0.788, LIPV: 0.346, LCPV: 0.865). The procedure times were significantly reduced by omitting the bonus-freeze and applying individualized application times (group 1: 123.4±31.5 min, group 2: 112.9±39.8 min, group 3: 86.67±28.4 min, P<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Comparing 3 common ablation protocols, no differences for durable PVI were detected. Procedure times were significantly reduced by omitting the bonus-freeze cycle and by applying individualized application times.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25.05.2020
PubMed 32307357