Novel Adipose Tissue Targets to Prevent and Treat Atherosclerosis


Adipose tissue as a major organ of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism has a major impact on metabolic homeostasis and thus influences the development of atherosclerosis and related cardiometabolic diseases. Unhealthy adipose tissue, which is often associated with obesity and systemic insulin resistance, promotes the development of diabetic dyslipidemia and can negatively affect vascular tissue homeostasis by secreting pro-inflammatory peptides and lipids. Conversely, paracrine and endocrine factors that are released from healthy adipose tissue can preserve metabolic balance and a functional vasculature. In this chapter, we describe adipose tissue types relevant for atherosclerosis and address the question how lipid metabolism as well as regulatory molecules produced in these fat depots can be targeted to counteract atherogenic processes in the vessel wall and improve plasma lipids. We discuss the role of adipose tissues in the action of approved drugs with anti-atherogenic activity. In addition, we present potential novel targets and therapeutic approaches aimed at increasing lipoprotein disposal in adipose tissue, boosting the activity of heat-producing (thermogenic) adipocytes, reducing adipose tissue inflammation, and improving or replacing beneficial hormones released from adipose tissues. Furthermore, we describe the future potential of innovative drug delivery technologies.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPrevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis : Improving State-of-the-Art Management and Search for Novel Targets
EditorsArnold von Eckardstein, Christoph J. Binder
REQUIRED books only: Number of pages22
Place of PublicationCham
Publication date2022
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-86075-2
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-86076-9
Publication statusPublished - 2022
PubMed 33373032