Maske, Luftfilter & Co: Brauchen wir Hygienekonzepte in Kitas und Schulen?


The restrictions imposed during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic have particularly affected children and adolescents due to their needs for education and development of social contacts. A wide range of discussions, some of them highly controversial, have been held on the question of appropriate hygiene measures for maintaining the operation of schools, day care centers and other community facilities for children and adolescents. Experts agree that, irrespective
of the question of infection prevention, adequate ventilation of indoor spaces must form the basis of hygiene concepts for schools and daycare centers. Since hygiene concepts usually consist of a bundle of different individual measures, the question of the effectiveness of individual further measures is often not clearly derivable. In the present study, an attempt is made to examine individual measures from the special perspective of their application to children and adolescents in schools and day care centers.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2023