Chronische Tropheryma-whipplei-Infektion: Eine wichtige Differentialdiagnose der therapierefraktären Polyarthritis

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BACKGROUND: Refractory arthritis is a common problem in routine rheumatology practice, and can be a diagnostic challenge. In these cases, chronic Tropheryma whipplei (T. whipplei) infection is an important differential diagnosis that should be considered.

OBJECTIVE: Based on five clinical cases, this case-based review describes the diagnostic and therapeutic principles in the management of chronic T. whipplei infection.

RESULTS: Whipple's disease is a multisystemic infectious disease caused by the bacterium T. whipplei. The disease typically manifests with arthralgia, weight loss and diarrhoea. Joint involvement often develops years before gastrointestinal symptoms occur. In addition to systemic manifestations ("classic Whipple's disease"), T. whipplei can also lead to localized joint infections without gastrointestinal involvement. Articular manifestations of systemic and localized T. whipplei infections are commonly misdiagnosed as a sign of various forms of autoimmmune arthritis.

DISCUSSION: Whipple's disease and localized T. whipplei joint infection should be considered in the diagnostic work-up of refractory arthritis. Synovial fluid analysis by means of specific polymerase chain reaction-based testing for T. whipplei is diagnostically ground-breaking.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionChronic Tropheryma whipplei infection: an important differential diagnosis of refractory polyarthritis
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 12.2023