Capture of viable circulating tumor cells in the liver of colorectal cancer patients

  • Eric Denève
  • Sabine Riethdorf
  • Jeanne Ramos
  • David Nocca
  • Amandine Coffy
  • Jean-Pierre Daurès
  • Thierry Maudelonde
  • Jean-Michel Fabre
  • Klaus Pantel (Shared last author)
  • Catherine Alix-Panabières (Shared last author)

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BACKGROUND: The incidence and number of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the peripheral blood of colorectal cancer patients are lower than in other cancer types, which may point to a particular biology of colorectal cancer affecting CTC detection.

METHODS: We detected CTCs in the peripheral and mesenteric blood of colorectal cancer patients by use of 2 independent technologies on the basis of different biological properties of colon cancer cells. Seventy-five patients diagnosed with localized (M0, n = 60) and metastatic (M1, n = 15) colorectal cancer were included. Peripheral and mesenteric blood samples were collected before tumor resection. We performed CTC enumeration with an EpCAM-independent enrichment method followed by the Epispot assay that detected only viable CK19-releasing CTCs. In parallel, we used the FDA-cleared EpCAM-dependent CellSearch® as the reference method.

RESULTS: The enumeration of CK19-releasing cells by the CK19-Epispot assay revealed viable CTCs in 27 of 41 (65.9%) and 41 of 74 (55.4%) (P = 0.04) patients in mesenteric and peripheral blood, respectively, whereas CellSearch detected CTCs in 19 of 34 (55.9%) and 20 of 69 (29.0%) (P = 0.0046) patients. In mesenteric blood, medians of 4 (range 0-247) and 2.7 CTCs (range 0-286) were found with Epispot and CellSearch (P = 0.2), respectively, whereas in peripheral blood, Epispot and CellSearch detected a median of 1.2 (range 0-92) and 0 CTCs (range 0-147) (P = 0.002).

CONCLUSIONS: A considerable portion of viable CTCs detectable by the Epispot assay are trapped in the liver as the first filter organ in CRC patients.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 01.09.2013
PubMed 23695297