Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit gefördert durch die interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit von Arzt und Apotheker auf Intensivstationen in Deutschland: Erkenntnisse einer Umfrage

  • Heike Hilgarth
  • Christian Waydhas
  • Frank Dörje
  • Julia Sommer
  • Stefan Kluge
  • Karl Peter Ittner

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BACKGROUND: Critically ill patients are particularly susceptible to adverse drug events. International studies show that pharmaceutical care has a positive impact on patient and drug therapy safety. Nationally, the integration of pharmacists into the multidisciplinary team and participation in ward rounds is required. The aim of this work is to assess the scope and extent of pharmaceutical care in intensive care units (ICU) in Germany.

METHOD: In a literature and database search, 13 relevant pharmaceutical activities were identified. Based on this, an online survey with 27 questions on the implementation of pharmaceutical care in ICU was prepared by a panel of experts. The survey was sent to heads of German ICUs.

RESULTS: Of the participants, 35.3% (59/167) have established regular pharmaceutical care. Drug information (89.7% [52/58]), pharmaceutical interventions with change of therapy (e.g., ward rounds; 67,2% [39/58]), regular evaluation of prescriptions (medication analysis; 65.5% [38/58]) as well as the monitoring of medication (e.g., side effects, effectiveness, costs; 63.8% [37/58]) were most frequently mentioned. The participants with pharmaceutical care (58/168) graded 7 of 13 but those without (104/168) only two activities as 'essential/indispensable'.

CONCLUSION: Only a few ICU in Germany have already integrated ward pharmacists into the multidisciplinary team. Once a pharmaceutical service has been established, a greater role/importance is assigned to several pharmaceutical activities.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionDrug therapy safety supported by interprofessional collaboration between ICU physicians and clinical pharmacists in critical care units in Germany: Results of a survey
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 03.2023

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© 2022. The Author(s).

PubMed 35258694