A plasmid-based expression system to study protein-protein interactions at the Golgi in vivo.

  • Sujoy Bera
  • raghuram vijeta
  • Marina Mikhaylova
  • Michael R Kreutz


There is still an unmet need for simple methods to verify, visualize, and confirm protein–protein interactions in vivo. Here we describe a plasmid-based system to study such interactions. The system is based on the transmembrane domain (TMD) of the EF-hand Ca2+ sensor protein calneuron-2. We show that fusion of 28 amino acids that include the TMD of calneuron-2 to proteins of interest results in prominent localization on the cytoplasmic side of the Golgi. The recruitment of binding partners to the protein of interest fused to this sequence can then be easily visualized by fluorescent tags.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 01.06.2016