A Modular Framework for Post-Processing and Analysis of Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences of Subcellular Calcium Dynamics


Calcium (Ca2+) signaling is essential for activation of Tlymphocytes and can be understood as fundamental on-switch for the adaptive immune system. The activation is supposed to start by initial spatially and temporally localized Ca2+ signals. Imaging and analysis of these signals require high spatio-temporal resolution fluorescence microscopy – which, in turn, results in the need for an efficient and reliable post-processing and analysis workflow of the acquired image data. Started with a well established but time-consuming post-processing process, we report on our efforts to automatize and optimize it. The efforts led to a modular post-processing and analysis framework, which is presented. In addition, the influence of instances of the main blocks of the framework (e.g. bleaching correction, deconvolution) on Ca2+ dynamics analysis measures is evaluated.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015
EditorsHeinz Handels, Thomas Martin Deserno, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Thomas Tolxdorff
REQUIRED books only: Number of pages6
Place of PublicationBerlin Heidelberg
Publication date2015
ISBN (Print)978-3-662-46223-2
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-662-46224-9
Publication statusPublished - 2015