Racial relations and life satisfaction among South Africans: Results from the 2017 South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS)


The current study examined differences in race relations as a predictor of life satisfaction among South African adults. We analysed data from the South African Social Attitudes Survey 2017 (n = 3 135; female = 61%; black = 61% , coloured/mixed-race = 16%, Indian South Africans = 11%, and white South Africans = 11%; mean age = 43 years, SD = 17.22 years). Linear regression models indicated that positive racial interaction predicted life satisfaction for black Africans, coloured/mixed-race, and the total sample in general. For the black Africans, education, household income, and living standard predicted life satisfaction, while age and household income predicted life satisfaction for the coloured/mixed-race group. Living standard predicted life satisfaction for South African Indians, and age and education predicted life satisfaction for white South Africans. These results support the importance of positive relations and diversity as salient sources of life satisfaction in a society transforming from a history of racial segregation.

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StatusVeröffentlicht - 2021