Nogo CAA 3'UTR Insertion polymorphism is not associated with Schizophrenia nor with bipolar disorder.

  • Sheila P Gregório
  • Fábio B Mury
  • Elida B Ojopi
  • Paulo C Sallet
  • Doris H Moreno
  • Juliana Yacubian
  • Hildeberto Tavares
  • Fabrício R Santos
  • Wagner F Gattaz
  • Emmanuel Dias-Neto


The Nogo gene maps to 2p14-p13, a region consistently associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The association of a polymorphism in Nogo was previously investigated by two groups, with divergent results. In this report, using an alternative approach, we evaluated this same polymorphism in 725 individuals, including patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, normal controls and non-human primate samples. Our results indicate that the polymorphism is not associated with any of these diseases, but has a remarkably biased distribution in ethnic groups. Genotyping of primate samples, suggest that this polymorphism is a recent event in human speciation.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 2005
pubmed 15820318