Liver transplantation as a potentially lifesaving measure in neuroblastoma stage 4S

  • Till Holsten
  • Tobias Schuster
  • Enke Grabhorn
  • Barbara Hero
  • Michael C Frühwald


Neuroblastoma (NBL) stage 4s is an incompletely understood phenomenon with variable clinical course. While the majority of patients may undergo spontaneous regression and achieve complete resolution without intensive therapy, a small proportion is at increased risk of developing secondary complications. One such situation is liver insufficiency due to diffuse metastases. We report a patient suffering from NBL 4S who required double lifesaving liver transplantation. Abdominal and respiratory complications due to hepatomegaly are crucial determinants for treatment intensity and duration in 4S NBL [1,2] . We provide an algorithm in order to facilitate the clinical decision when dealing with similar potentially life-threatening events.

Bibliografische Daten

StatusVeröffentlicht - 02.2017
PubMed 28085536