Human leukocyte antigen I knockdown human embryonic stem cells induce host ignorance and achieve prolonged xenogeneic survival.

  • Tobias Deuse
  • Martina Seifert
  • Neil Phillips
  • Andrew Fire
  • Dolly Tyan
  • Mark Kay
  • Philip S Tsao
  • Xiaoqin Hua
  • Joachim Velden
  • Thomas Eiermann
  • Hans-Dieter Volk
  • Hermann Reichenspurner
  • Robert C Robbins
  • Sonja Schrepfer


Although human embryonic stem cells (hESC) have enormous potential for cell replacement therapy of heart failure, immune rejection of hESC derivatives inevitably would occur after transplantation. We therefore aimed to generate a hypoantigeneic hESC line with improved survival characteristics.

Bibliografische Daten

Aufsatznummer11 Suppl
StatusVeröffentlicht - 2011
pubmed 21911816