Die Behandlung psychischer Störungen mittels metakognitiver Interventionen am Beispiel des Metakognitiven Trainings für Depression (D-MKT) [The treatment of mental disorders with metacognitive interventions using the example of the metacognitive training for depression (D-MCT)]


Over the last decade, psychotherapeutic interventions labelled "metacognitive"have been developed. These include the Metacognitive Therapy by Wells, the Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy, and the Metacognitive Training. Overlap regarding the name and blurry conceptual boundaries sometimes make it difficult to classify and distinguish these new approaches in comparison to old ones. The aim of this article is to give an overview of the term "metacognition", to classify metacognitive approaches in relation to classic cognitive behavioral therapy, and to present the above-mentioned metacognitive interventions. Finally, the metacognitive training for depression (D-MCT), as an example of a metacognitive training, is presented in more detail and current developments in D-MCT are reported (additional modules on suicidality, special versions for older people and for the target group of refugees).

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StatusVeröffentlicht - 01.06.2020

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