Zuordnung einer Bissmarke an der Haut des Opfers zum Gebiss des Täters durch Nachweis von Anomalien der Stellung und Zahl der Frontzähne


This report is about a bite mark on the breast of a female corpse. The woman had been killed by ligature strangulation at the age of 76 years. The investigation of the dental casts of a suspected man showed some anomalies in the dentition and orthodontic variations. A comparison of the bite mark with these anomalies demonstrated the correspondence of several details. Consequently, the probability that the suspect was responsible for the bite mark was regarded as being very high. During the further investigations the suspect admitted the offence including the bite injury to the breast. The authors emphasize the importance of an exact photographic documentation as an indispensable prerequisite for an odontological comparison.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionAssignment of a bite-mark on the victim's skin to the dentition of the perpetrator by means of anomalies in the number and position of the frontal teeth
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2005
PubMed 15757212