Wie gut werden Patientinnen auf Internetseiten von deutschen universitären Brustzentren über die Möglichkeiten der Brustrekonstruktion informiert?

  • Maike Keck
  • Philipp Alexander Bergmann
  • Philipp Deindl
  • Klaus Stephan Wittig
  • Jörn Andreas Lohmeyer

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INTRODUCTION: In recent decades, the internet has become one of the most important sources of information for patients. How substantial are the possibilities to find out about breast reconstruction on the homepages of university hospitals in Germany? Is there information about plastic surgery with its spectrum of modern reconstructive possibilities?

METHODS: A total of 35 homepages of university breast centres in Germany was analysed for the indication of cooperation with a plastic surgeon or a department for plastic surgery and their links, with information on reconstructive possibilities such as implant reconstruction, autologous soft tissue reconstruction with pedicled and free flaps as well as lipofilling.

RESULTS: A plastic surgeon or a cooperating department is mentioned on 49 % of the homepages. Of those homepages, 20 % contain a direct link. 91 % of the homepages describe the possibility of breast reconstruction in general, 80 % of the websites the use of autologous tissue. In 51 % of the cases, a free tissue transfer is mentioned, whereas only 23 % describe the procedures like DIEP flap, TMG, or I-GAP in more detail. Only two centres use detailed illustrations. Six websites (17 %) describe reconstruction by pedicled TRAM flap only. Breast reconstruction with a silicone implant is mentioned on 71 % of the websites. The possibility of lipofilling is discussed in 31 %.

DISCUSSION: About half of the websites of university breast centres do not show any cooperation with a plastic surgeon. There are significant gaps in the information on free tissue transfer for breast reconstruction.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionHow well are patients informed on the websites of German university breast centres about the possibilities of breast reconstruction?
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 04.2020
PubMed 32259855