Violence against children: further evidence suggesting a relationship between burns, scalds, and the additional injuries.

  • Dragana Seifert
  • Julia Krohn
  • Mandi Larson
  • Andrea Lambe
  • Klaus Püschel
  • Henrike Kurth

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Up to 22 % of all child maltreatment cases involve non-accidental burns or scalds. In the time period of 2000 until 2007, 20 children with non-accidental burns and scalds in conjunction with other mechanisms of injury were examined at children's hospitals in Hamburg and at the Institute of Legal Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, by experts in forensic medicine. The fact that these children presented with additional injuries due to blunt and sharp force and sometimes had signs of neglect emphasize the urgent need for a multidisciplinary cooperation between pediatricians and forensic medical experts to ensure the early identification and prevention of child maltreatment. A new approach for Germany, enforcing mandatory child well-being examinations is discussed.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number1
Publication statusPublished - 2010