Vergleichende psychologische Aspekte von Juckreiz und Schmerz


Itching is a major symptom of chronic skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and leads to considerable psychological strain. Chronic itching lowers patient's quality of life similar to chronic pain and influences the medical treatment. The frequently resulting scratching behavior (short-term avoidance of itch) leads to continuation and exacerbation of the disease, just as with specific pain behavior. For the development of itching and pain psychosocial factors have been identified in addition to somatic ones. However, recent data suggest that there is a complex interaction between pain and itching and comparable mechanisms of neuronal sensitization. In contrast to traditional biomedical one-dimensional models which focus mainly on physical and not psychological factors of a disease, recent data support a biopsychosocial model of development and maintenance for itching and pain. Biopsychosocial understanding of a disease should consequently be taken as the basis for treatment and the importance of interdisciplinary treatment is emphasized. This article will focus on chronic itching and pain with particular consideration of psychological factors.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionComparative psychological aspects of itching and pain
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 04.2011
PubMed 21472531