Vereinheitlichung der Bezeichnungen für Verhaltenssüchte

  • Hans Jürgen Rumpf
  • Anil Batra
  • Anja Bischof
  • Eva Hoch
  • Katajun Lindenberg
  • Karl Mann
  • Christian Montag
  • Astrid Müller
  • Kai W. Müller
  • Florian Rehbein
  • Rudolf Stark
  • Bert Te Wildt
  • Rainer Thomasius
  • Klaus Wölfling
  • Matthias Brand


Background: There is a multitude of terms, which intend to describe behavioral addictions, but which are limited in their operationalizability, their reference to behavior, their compatibility with international diagnostic classification systems, and their potential to be applied in a non-stigmatizing way. Therefore, uniform terms for behavioral addictions are needed. Methods: In the context of developing a guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of Internet-related disorders, terms were developed through expert consensus. Results: The classification of behavioral addictions in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) served as a basis. The terms Computerspielstörung (CSS, Gaming Disorder) and Glücksspielstörung (GSS, Gambling Disorder) were chosen to be included in the ICD-11, and three additional specified behavioral addictions were proposed: Soziale-Netzwerke-Nutzungsstörung (SNS, Social Network Use Disorder), Shoppingstörung (ShS, Shopping Disorder) and Pornografie-Nutzungsstörung (PNS, Pornography Use Disorder). For CSS, GSS, and ShS, a further distinction was made between predominantly online or offline. Disorders Due to Addictive Behaviors was chosen as an overarching term. For disorders due to addictive behaviors exclusively or predominantly related to Internet use, the generic term Internet Use Disorders may be used. Conclusion: The proposed terminology offers improvements in comparison to ambiguous and unsuitable terms. At the same time, it was possible to ensure compatibility with the ICD-11.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionStandardization of Terms for Behavioral Addictions
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 08.2021

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