Treatment of drug-susceptible and drug-resistant tuberculosis

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Recent advances have enabled the use of shorter TB treatment regimens. Key changes in the management of TB are: 1-month preventive treatment with rifapentine and isoniazid 4-month treatment for paucibacillary TB in children 4-month treatment for PTB in adults based on rifapentine and 6-month treatment for MDR/RR-TB with bedaquiline, pretomanid, linezolid and moxifloxacin (BPaLM). However, the history of TB drug resistance, and limited capacity worldwide for DST, are cause for caution.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationThe Challenge of Tuberculosis in the 21st Century
EditorsAlberto L. García-Basteiro, Füsun Öner Eyüboglu, Molebogeng X. Rangaka
REQUIRED books only: Number of pages22
Place of PublicationSheffield
PublisherEuropean Respiratory Society
Publication date01.09.2023
ISBN (Print)978-1-84984-169-6
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-84984-170-2
Publication statusPublished - 01.09.2023