Transvaginal and transabdominal extended field-of-view (EFOV) and power doppler EFOV sonography in gynecology: advantages and applications

  • Wolfgang Henrich
  • Ilka Fuchs
  • Annette Schmider
  • Kai J Bühling
  • Joachim W Dudenhausen

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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the possible advantages, applications, and usefulness of real-time transabdominal and transvaginal extended field-of-view sonography combined with power Doppler sonography in gynecology.

METHODS: A series of 63 gynecologic patients, referred for preoperative sonographic examination and for whom the examiner thought that extended field-of-view sonography might be helpful in imaging pathologic findings, were selected. Patients were examined with conventional vaginal and abdominal B-mode sonography, extended field-of-view sonography, and power Doppler extended field-of-view sonography. A sonographic system with 3.5- to 7-MHz transducers was used to study and document pathologic findings.

RESULTS: Extended field-of-view sonography provided a superior overview of pathologic findings and topography by creating a single image showing the relationship to reference structures. The combination of power Doppler extended field-of-view sonography provided additional information on the perfusion pattern in huge masses. In comparison with conventional sonographic images, the extended field-of-view sonographic images were easier to interpret by the referring or nonexamining physician. A list of proposed gynecologic applications for the use of extended field-of-view sonography was compiled.

CONCLUSIONS: The extended field-of-view and power Doppler extended field-of-view sonographic technique provides documentation of surroundings, topographic orientation, and perfusion patterns in large pelvic masses and findings that exceed the limitations of the conventional sonographic sector. The clinical applications and advantages of extended field-of-view and power Doppler extended field-of-view imaging in gynecologic sonography are illustrated.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 01.10.2002
PubMed 12369669