Toward MSC in solid organ transplantation: 2008 position paper of the MISOT study group.

  • Marc H Dahlke
  • Martin Hoogduijn
  • Elke Eggenhofer
  • Felix C Popp
  • Philipp Renner
  • Przemyslaw Slowik
  • Agnes Rosenauer
  • Pompiliu Piso
  • Edward K Geissler
  • Claudia Lange
  • Dominique Chabannes
  • Benedetta Mazzanti
  • Sinda Bigenzahn
  • Patrick Bertolino
  • Uta Kunter
  • Martino Introna
  • Rambaldi Alessandro
  • Chiara Capelli
  • Norberto Perico
  • Federica Casiraghi
  • Marina Noris
  • Eliana Gotti
  • Martina Seifert
  • Saccardi Riccardo
  • Hein W Verspaget
  • Bart van Hoek
  • Amelia Bartholomew
  • Thomas Wekerle
  • Hans D Volk
  • Giuseppe Remuzzi
  • Robert Deans
  • Hillard Lazarus
  • Hans J Schlitt
  • Carla C Baan


The following position paper summarizes the recommendations for early clinical trials and ongoing basic research in the field of mesenchymal stem cell-induced solid organ graft acceptance--agreed upon on the first meeting of the Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Solid Organ Transplantation (MISOT) study group in late 2008.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number5
Publication statusPublished - 2009
pubmed 19741455