Timing and completion of puberty in female mice depend on estrogen receptor alpha-signaling in kisspeptin neurons.

  • Christian Mayer
  • Maricedes Acosta-Martinez
  • Sharon L Dubois
  • Andrew Wolfe
  • Sally Radovick
  • Ulrich Boehm
  • Jon E Levine


Puberty onset is initiated by activation of neurons that secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The timing and progression of puberty may depend upon temporal coordination of two opposing central mechanisms--a restraint of GnRH secretion before puberty onset, followed by enhanced stimulation of GnRH release to complete reproductive maturation during puberty. Neuronal estrogen receptor (ER ) has been implicated in both controls; however, the underlying neural circuits are not well understood. Here we test whether these mechanisms are mediated by neurons that express kisspeptin, a neuropeptide that modulates GnRH neurosecretion. Strikingly, conditional ablation of ER in kisspeptin neurons results in a dramatic advancement of puberty onset in female mice. Furthermore, subsequent pubertal maturation is arrested in these animals, as they fail to acquire normal ovulatory cyclicity. We show that the temporal coordination of juvenile restraint and subsequent pubertal activation is likely mediated by ER in two separate kisspeptin neuronal populations in the hypothalamus.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number52
Publication statusPublished - 2010
pubmed 21149719