The Randomized Shortened Dental Arch study (RaSDA): design and protocol.

  • Ralph G Luthardt
  • Birgit Marré
  • Achim Heinecke
  • Joachim Gerss
  • Hans Aggstaller
  • Eckhard Busche
  • Paul Dressler
  • Ingrid Gitt
  • Wolfgang Hannak
  • Sinsa Hartmann
  • Guido Heydecke
  • Florentine Jahn
  • Matthias Kern
  • Torsten Mundt
  • Peter Pospiech
  • Helmut Stark
  • Bernd Wöstmann
  • Michael H Walter

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Various treatment options for the prosthetic treatment of jaws where all molars are lost are under discussion. Besides the placement of implants, two main treatment types can be distinguished: replacement of the missing molars with removable dental prostheses and non-replacement of the molars, i.e. preservation of the shortened dental arch. Evidence is lacking regarding the long-term outcome and the clinical performance of these approaches. High treatment costs and the long time required for the treatment impede respective clinical trials.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2010
pubmed 20170481