The proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein gene family members APLP-1 and APLP-2 involves alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and epsilon-like cleavages: modulation of APLP-1 processing by n-glycosylation.

  • Simone Eggert
  • Krzysztof Paliga
  • Peter Soba
  • Genevieve Evin
  • Colin L Masters
  • Andreas Weidemann
  • Konrad Beyreuther


Amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing is of major interest in Alzheimer's disease research, since sequential cleavages by beta- and gamma-secretase lead to the formation of the 4-kDa amyloid Abeta protein peptide that accumulates in Alzheimer's disease brain. The processing of APP involves proteolytic conversion by different secretases leading to alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-, and epsilon-cleavages. Since modulation of these cleavages represents a rational therapeutic approach to control amyloid formation, its interference with the processing of the members of the APP gene family is of considerable importance. By using C-terminally tagged constructs of APLP-1 and APLP-2 and the untagged proteins, we have characterized their proteolytic C-terminal fragments produced in stably transfected SH-SY5Y cells. Pharmacological manipulation with specific protease inhibitors revealed that both homologues are processed by alpha- and gamma-secretase-like cleavages, and that their intracellular domains can be released by cleavage at epsilon-sites. APLP-2 processing appears to be the most elaborate and to involve alternative cleavage sites. We show that APLP-1 is the only member of the APP gene family for which processing can be influenced by N-glycosylation. Additionally, we were able to detect p3-like fragments of APLP-1 and p3-like and Abeta-like fragments of APLP-2 in the media of stably transfected SH-SY5Y cells.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Article number18
Publication statusPublished - 2004
pubmed 14970212