The microbial receptor CEACAM3 is linked to the calprotectin complex in granulocytes.

  • Thomas Streichert
  • A Ebrahimnejad
  • S Ganzer
  • R Flayeh
  • C Wagener
  • J Brümmer


Engulfment of foreign pathogens is an evolutionary ancient host cell endocytic response. Signaling pathways effecting phagocytosis are divergent and largely depend on the structural features of the cell surface receptor utilized. CEACAM3, a member of the CD66 complex on human neutrophils, has been implicated as a cellular receptor promoting phagocytosis of microorganisms. The cytoplasmic domain of CEACAM3 (CEACAM3(cyt)) contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif. In this study we demonstrate that CEACAM3(cyt) is phosphorylated by protein kinase C, casein kinase I, and Src-kinase in vitro. To identify molecules binding to CEACAM3(cyt) in vivo, we used differentially phosphorylated recombinant expressed CEACAM cytoplasmic domains to isolate CEACAM3(cyt)-associated proteins from granulocyte extracts. Calprotectin, which modulates neutrophil integrin-mediated adhesion and leukocyte trafficking and displays antimicrobial activity, interacts specifically with CEACAM3(cyt). This interaction is calcium-modulated but independent of phosphorylation of CEACAM3(cyt). Although tyrosine-phosphorylated CEACAM3(cyt) binds and stimulates Src-kinases in vitro, no CEACAM3(cyt)-associated phosphokinase activity was copurified.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number1
Publication statusPublished - 2001
pubmed 11708798