The film-based printout using Tetenal Printing Solution II.

  • Oliver Geissler
  • Uwe Rother


Digital radiography continues to gain in importance in today's surgeries. Compared to conventional x-ray films, it has the following advantages: archiving is improved, film processing is redundant, image post-processing is possible, radiographic images can be sent electronically, and radiation exposure times are shorter. Even though radiographic images are usually interpreted on the monitor, printouts are still required--as experience in general radiology shows--when patient's radiographs are passed on. Of course, printouts of digital images using a standard printer and ordinary paper are not suitable for assessment, due to the properties of the paper. Owing to the structures in the paper, a printout is not transparent, and loses all diagnostic value when inspected on a view box.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2007
pubmed 18271500