The effect of recombinant and plasma-derived prothrombin on prothrombin time in human plasma

  • K M Hansson
  • J Björkqvist
  • J Deinum


INTRODUCTION: When investigating coagulation assays to measure the effect of infused prothrombin (FII) in in vivo coagulopathy models, we found that addition of FII, plasma-derived human FII (pd-hFII) or recombinant human FII (r-hFII), to normal plasma resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in prothrombin time (PT) initiated with Innovin(®) .

METHODS: The effect on PT by addition to plasma of either pd-hFII or r-hFII, using different commercial PT reagents, was studied both by turbidimetry and viscometry.

RESULT: Addition of FII to plasma resulted in increased PT when initiated with Innovin(®) : PT increased with 20% by doubling the concentration. The prolongation of PT became more pronounced with 2-6000 times diluted Innovin(®) . However, by adjustment of the final free Ca(2+) concentration in the assay with diluted Innovin(®) from 8.3 to 1.3 mmol/L, no FII-dependent increase in PT was found. In contrast, no prolongation of PT was found with other commercial PT reagents. A KM = 3 nmol/L was obtained with pd-hFII, respectively, r-hFII with FII-depleted plasma using Thromborel(®) to initiate PT.

CONCLUSION: At normal plasma concentration of FII, addition of FII should not have an effect on PT. The prolonged PT with Innovin(®) , but not with other PT reagents, at supranormal FII concentration is an artefact.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 06.2015
Externally publishedYes
PubMed 25212252