Subtypes of melanocytes and melanoma cells distinguished by their intercellular contacts: heterotypic adherens junctions, adhesive associations, and dispersed desmoglein 2 glycoproteins.

  • Steffen Rickelt
  • Werner W Franke
  • Yvette Doerflinger
  • Sergij Goerdt
  • Johanna Brandner
  • Wiebke K Peitsch


In the tissue integration of melanocytes and melanoma cells, an important role is attributed to cell adhesion molecules, notably the cadherins. In cultured melanoma cells, we have previously described a more heterogeneous repertoire of cadherins than normal, including some melanoma subtypes synthesizing the desmosomal cadherin, desmoglein 2, out of the desmosomal context. Using biochemical and immunological characterization of junctional molecules, confocal laser scanning, and electron and immunoelectron microscopy, we now demonstrate homo- and heterotypic cell-cell adhesions of normal epidermal melanocytes. In human epidermis, both in situ and in cell culture, melanocytes and keratinocytes are connected by closely aligned membranes that are interspersed by small puncta adhaerentia containing heterotypic complexes of E- and P-cadherin. Moreover, melanocytes growing in culture often begin to synthesize desmoglein 2, which is dispersed over extended areas of intimate adhesive cell-cell associations. As desmoglein 2 is not found in melanocytes in situ, we hypothesize that its synthesis is correlated with cell proliferation. Indeed, in tissue microarrays, desmoglein 2 has been demonstrated in a sizable subset of nevi and primary melanomas. The biological meanings of these cell-cell adhesion molecule arrangements, the possible diagnostic and prognostic significance of these findings, and the implications of the heterogeneity types of melanomas are discussed.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number3
Publication statusPublished - 2008
pubmed 18975006