Spiroketals from marine isolates of the fungi Penicillium thomii KMM 4645 and P. lividum KMM 4663

  • M. P. Sobolevskaya
  • O. I. Zhuravleva
  • E. V. Leshchenko
  • Sh Sh Afiyatullov
  • Yu V. Khudyakova
  • N. Yu Kim
  • N. N. Kirichuk
  • S. A. Dyshlovoy

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Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12.2014

Comment Deanary

Funding Information:
The work was supported financially by the RFBR (Projects No. 14-04-00910_a and 14-04-32052mol_a), the FEB RAS program “Far East” (Projects No. 14-I-P6-11 and 14-III-D-06025), a grant of the RF President for Support of Leading Scientific Schools NSh No. 148.2014.4, and FEFU Project No. 14-08-01-34_I.

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