Soziale Verlusterlebnisse und deren Zusammenhang mit Depressionen im hohen Alter – Ergebnisse der Leipziger Langzeitstudie in der Altenbevölkerung (LEILA 75+)

  • Janine Stein
  • Jonathan Michael Bär
  • Hans-Helmut König
  • Matthias Angermeyer
  • Steffi G Riedel-Heller


OBJECTIVE: Loss experiences in old age are common and can be accompanied by serious consequences such as depression. This study aimed at investigating the distribution of loss experiences and their association with depression in old age.

METHODS: Based on the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged 75+ (LEILA 75+), a sample of 706 individuals was assessed via structured clinical interviews. Data on social loss experiences were collected via the Leipziger Lebensereignis-Liste. Descriptive and interferential statistical analyses were conducted in order to examine the association between loss experiences and depression.

RESULTS: Overall, 16.4 % of the oldest old reported at least one social loss experience in the last 6 months while the death of a loved one (46.6 %) and severe illness (43.1 %) were the most frequent types of social loss experiences. Analyses revealed that social loss experiences were significantly associated with depression.

CONCLUSION: This study provides, for the first time in Germany, data on loss experiences in the oldest old. These findings may contribute to the development of interventions and effective treatment for the bereaved elderly with depression.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionSocial Loss Experiences and their Association with Depression in Old Age - Results of the Leipzig Longitudinal Study of the Aged (LEILA 75+)
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 04.2019
PubMed 29801182