SMARTer indicators for decent work in a post-2015development agenda: A proposal

  • Martin Ostermeier (Shared first author)
  • Sarah Wiegel
  • Jann Lay
  • Sebastian Prediger


The MDG employment indicators suffer from major shortcomings, including measurement problems, inappropriate use of aggregate statistics, ambiguous interpretability, and assumptions that do not apply to developing countries. Based on this critique, the authors propose a new set of four indicators for productive employment and decent work, namely: the growth of labour value added per worker, the working poverty rate, the share of workers receiving less than an absolute minimum labour income, and the share of workers receiving less than 60 per cent of the median labour income. They demonstrate the empirical application of these indicators using the country cases of Uganda and Peru.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 04.06.2015