Single-cell transcriptomics and data analyses for prokaryotes-Past, present and future concepts


Transcriptomics, or more specifically mRNA sequencing, is a powerful tool to study gene expression at the single-cell level (scRNA-seq) which enables new insights into a plethora of biological processes. While methods for single-cell RNA-seq in eukaryotes are well established, application to prokaryotes is still challenging. Reasons for that are rigid and diverse cell wall structures hampering lysis, the lack of polyadenylated transcripts impeding mRNA enrichment, and minute amounts of RNA requiring amplification steps before sequencing. Despite those obstacles, several promising scRNA-seq approaches for bacteria have been published recently, albeit difficulties in the experimental workflow and data processing and analysis remain. In particular, bias is often introduced by amplification which makes it difficult to distinguish between technical noise and biological variation. Future optimization of experimental procedures and data analysis algorithms are needed for the improvement of scRNA-seq but also to aid in the emergence of prokaryotic single-cell multi-omics. to help address 21st century challenges in the biotechnology and health sector.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes

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Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier Inc.

PubMed 37400172