1. 1984
  2. Interaction of calmodulin with muscle phosphofructokinase. Interplay with metabolic effectors of the enzyme under physiological conditions.

    Mayr, G. W., 1984, In: EUR J BIOCHEM. 143, 3, p. 521-529 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. In vivo production of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells in relation to ploidy and immunological subtype.

    Dörmer, P., Janka-Schaub, G., Lau, B., Haas, R. J. & Janka, G. E., 1984, In: LEUKEMIA RES. 8, 4, p. 587-595 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Local intraarterial fibrinolytic therapy in inaccessible internal carotid occlusion.

    Zeumer, H., Hündgen, R., Ferbert, A. & Ringelstein, E. B., 1984, In: NEURORADIOLOGY. 26, 4, p. 315-317 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  5. [Micromorphology of virus-induced oral lesions]

    Löning, T., 1984, In: Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir. 8, 2, p. 100-104 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. [Morphological diagnosis of viral infections. Histopathology. Immunohistology. Hybridization technic. Electron microscopy]

    Seifert, G., Löning, T. & Hoepfner, I., 1984, In: PATHOLOGE. 5, 6, p. 326-342 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Morphologic study of jejunal mucosal transplants for the replacement of oral mucosa.

    Reichart, P., Löning, T., Hausamen, J. E. & Becker, J., 1984, In: J Oral Pathol. 13, 6, p. 595-603 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for osteogenic sarcoma: results of a Cooperative German/Austrian study.

    Winkler, K., Beron, G., Kotz, R., Salzer-Kuntschik, M., Beck, J., Beck, W., Brandeis, W., Ebell, W., Erttmann, R. & Göbel, U., 1984, In: J CLIN ONCOL. 2, 6, p. 617-624 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Neuroendocrine effects of apomorphine in chronic schizophrenic patients under long-term neuroleptic therapy and after drug withdrawal: relations to psychopathology and tardive dyskinesia.

    Müller-Spahn, F., Ackenheil, M., Albus, M., May, G., Naber, D., Welter, D. & Zander, K., 1984, In: PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. 84, 3, p. 436-440 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  10. No correlation between neuroleptic-induced increase of beta-endorphin serum level and therapeutic efficacy in schizophrenia.

    Naber, D., Nedopil, N. & Eben, E., 1984, In: BRIT J PSYCHIAT. 144, p. 651-653

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  11. Nonenzymic ADP-ribosylation of specific mitochondrial polypeptides.

    Hilz, H., Koch, R., Fanick, W., Klapproth, K. & Adamietz, P., 1984, In: P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 81, 13, p. 3929-3933 13.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  12. [Normographic determination of time of death by measuring brain temperature]

    Henssge, C., Beckmann, E. R. & Wischhusen, F., 1984, In: Beitr Gerichtl Med. 42, p. 107-111

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  13. Occurrence of papillomavirus structural antigens in oral papillomas and leukoplakias.

    Löning, T., Reichart, P., Staquet, M. J., Becker, J. & Thivolet, J., 1984, In: J Oral Pathol. 13, 2, p. 155-165 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  14. Organization and morphogenesis of the human seminiferous epithelium.

    Schulze, W. & Rehder, U., 1984, In: CELL TISSUE RES. 237, 3, p. 395-407 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  15. [Possibilities and limits of the early diagnosis of breast cancer using ultrasound mammography]

    von Lauth, G., Duda, V., Eulenburg, R., Hackelöer, B. J. & Hüneke, B., 1984, In: Rontgenpraxis. 37, 2, p. 62-65 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  16. Prolonged methotrexate infusions in children with acute leukemia in relapse and in remission and with medulloblastoma. Pharmacokinetics, toxicity and clinical results.

    Janka-Schaub, G., Mack, R., Helmig, M., Haas, R. J. & Bidlingmaier, F., 1984, In: ONCOLOGY-BASEL. 41, 4, p. 225-232 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  17. Rat platelets contain growth factor(s) distinct from PDGF which stimulate DNA synthesis in primary adult rat hepatocyte cultures.

    Paul, D. & Piasecki, A., 1984, In: EXP CELL RES. 154, 1, p. 95-100 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  18. Resolution of Holliday structures by endonuclease VII as observed in interactions with cruciform DNA

    Kemper, B., Jensch, F., von Depka-Prondzynski, M., Fritz, H. J., Borgmeyer, U. & Mizuuchi, K., 1984, In: COLD SPRING HARB SYM. 49, p. 815-25 11 p.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  19. Structure-activity relationship of anthracycline-induced genotoxicity in vitro.

    Westendorf, J. & Marquardt, H., 1984, In: CANCER RES. 44(12 Pt 1), p. 5599-5604

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  20. [Subacute citrullinemia--diagnosis and course up to 4th year of life].

    Clemens, P., Hellwege, H. H., Bentele, K. H. P. & Heddrich, M., 1984, In: KLIN PADIATR. 196, 1, p. 55-57 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  21. The sensorineural apparatus of the human eyelid

    Munger, B. L. & Halata, Z., 1984, In: Am J Anat. 170, 2, p. 181-204 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  22. Ultrastructure of sensory nerve endings in monkey (Macaca fascicularis) knee joint capsule

    Halata, Z., Badalamente, M. A., Dee, R. & Propper, M., 1984, In: J ORTHOP RES. 2, 2, p. 169-176 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  23. 1983
  24. Adjuvant chemotherapy in osteosarcoma - effects of cisplatinum, BCD, and fibroblast interferon in sequential combination with HD-MTX and adriamycin. Preliminary results of the COSS 80 study.

    Winkler, K., Beron, G., Kotz, R., Salzer-Kuntschik, M., Beck, J., Beck, W., Brandeis, W., Ebell, W., Erttmann, R., Göbel, U., Havers, W., Henze, G., Hinderfield, L., Höcker, P., Jobke, A., Jürgens, H., Kabisch, H., Landbeck, G., Preusser, P., Prindull, G., Ramach, W., Ritter, J., Sekera, J., Treuner, J. & Wüst, G., 1983, In: J CANCER RES CLIN. 106, p. 1-7

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  25. [Ambulatory psychotherapy of sex offenses]

    Lohse, H. & Hauch, M., 1983, In: PSYCHIAT PRAX. 10, 5, p. 147-152 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  26. [Angiologic and prognostic evaluation of brain stem injuries. Clinical, doppler-sonographic and neuroradiological findings]

    Ringelstein, E. B., Zeumer, H., Hündgen, R. & Meya, U., 1983, In: DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 108, 43, p. 1625-1631 43.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  27. [Arterial retinal circulatory disorders: an urgent indication for Doppler sonographic study of the carotid flow system]

    Ringelstein, E. B., Körber, N., Zeumer, H. & Hunold, W., 1983, In: KLIN MONATSBL AUGENH. 182, 2, p. 133-140 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  28. A second look at intraepithelial Langerhans cells in mycosis fungoides and related disorders. Ultrastructural study with special reference to Langerhans granules and virus-like particles.

    Füllbrandt, U., Meissner, K., Löning, T. & Jänner, M., 1983, In: Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol. 402, 1, p. 47-60 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  29. beta-Endorphin immunoreactive materials in human plasma determined by a multiple radioimmunoassay system.

    Wiedemann, K. & Teschemacher, H., 1983, In: LIFE SCI. 33, 1, p. 89-92 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  30. [Biliary excretion of choleretically active cinnamic acid derivatives in the rat]

    Westendorf, J. & Czok, G., 1983, In: Z Ernahrungswiss. 22, 4, p. 255-270 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  31. Circadian rhythms in rat brain neurotransmitter receptors.

    Kafka, M. S., Wirz-Justice, A., Naber, D., Moore, R. Y. & Benedito, M. A., 1983, In: Fed Proc. 42, 11, p. 2796-2801 11.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  32. [COALL-80 therapy in the management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood--an interim report]

    Winkler, K., Beron, G., Erttmann, R., Jürgens, H., Göbel, U., Gutjahr, P., Kabisch, H., Kuhn, N., Spaar, H. J., Drescher, J., Thomas, P. & Landbeck, G., 1983, In: KLIN PADIATR. 195, 3, p. 161-167 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  33. [Computed tomographic and clinical findings in posterior scleritis and orbital pseudotumor]

    Wieder, M., Hunold, W. & Zeumer, H., 1983, In: Fortschr Ophthalmol. 79, 5, p. 386-387 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  34. Data compression in digital angiography using the Fourier transform.

    Höhne, K. H., Obermöller, U., Riemer, M., Witte, G. & Böhm, M., 1983, In: MED PHYS. 10, 6, p. 899-905 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  35. Determination of aclacinomycin A by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography.

    Erttmann, R., 1983, In: J CHROMATOGR A. 277, p. 433-435

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  36. [Diagnosis of carotid artery thrombosis by means of ophthalmology (Hager 1962). Present state of this approach with Doppler sonography]

    Ringelstein, E. B., Körber, N., Zeumer, H. & Hunold, W., 1983, In: Fortschr Ophthalmol. 80, 1, p. 66-69 1.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  37. [EDP-adapted grid model of the brain for topographic analysis of lesions on the cranial computer tomogram]

    Schmachtenberg, A., Hündgen, R. & Zeumer, H., 1983, In: ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 139, 5, p. 499-502 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  38. [Etiologic and therapeutic significance of endorphins in endogenous psychoses]

    Naber, D., 1983, In: NERVENARZT. 54, 11, p. 573-577 11.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  39. Evoked potential monitoring during acute occlusion of the basilar artery and selective local thrombolytic therapy.

    Hacke, W., Berg-Dammer, E. & Zeumer, H., 1983, In: EUR ARCH PSY CLIN N. 232, 6, p. 541-548 6.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  40. Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.

    Janka-Schaub, G., 1983, In: EUR J PEDIATR. 140, 3, p. 221-230 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  41. Identification of inflammatory cell phenotypes in human oral carcinomas by means of monoclonal antibodies.

    Löning, T., Broemel, H., Becker, W. M. & Otto, H. F., 1983, In: ARCH ORAL BIOL. 28, 12, p. 1093-1100 12.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  42. [Intracranial metastasis in neuroblastoma]

    Erttmann, R., Heller, M., Veelken, N. & Landbeck, G., 1983, In: Z Kinderchir. 38, 5, p. 333-335 5.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  43. [Invasive aspergillosis with an intrapulmonary fungus ball in childhood]

    Hausdorf, G. & Erttmann, R., 1983, In: KLIN PADIATR. 195, 2, p. 129-132 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  44. Keratin and tissue polypeptide antigen profiles of the cervical mucosa.

    Löning, T., Kühler, C., Caselitz, J. & Stegner, H. E., 1983, In: INT J GYNECOL PATHOL. 2, 2, p. 105-112 2.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  45. [Local fibrinolysis therapy in subtotal stenosis of the median cerebral artery]

    Zeumer, H., Ringelstein, E. B., Hassel, M. & Poeck, K., 1983, In: DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 108, 28-29, p. 1103-1105 28-29.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  46. Local intraarterial thrombolysis in vertebrobasilar thromboembolic disease.

    Zeumer, H., Hacke, W. & Ringelstein, E. B., 1983, In: AM J NEURORADIOL. 4, 3, p. 401-404 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  47. [Malignant testicular tumors in children and adolescents: concept of the MAHO 82 cooperative therapeutic study of the Society for Pediatric Oncology]

    Haas, R. J., Brämswig, J., Göbel, U., Harms, D., Janka-Schaub, G. & Weissbach, L., 1983, In: KLIN PADIATR. 195, 3, p. 196-200 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  48. Monitoring of hemispheric or brainstem functions with neurophysiologic methods during interventional neuroradiology.

    Hacke, W., Zeumer, H. & Berg-Dammer, E., 1983, In: AM J NEURORADIOL. 4, 3, p. 382-384 3.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  49. Multivariate analysis of urinary RNA catabolites in malignancies: cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

    Müller, J., Erb, N., Heller-Schöch, G., Lorenz, H., Winkler, K. & Schöch, G., 1983, In: Recent Results Cancer Res. 84, p. 317-330

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  50. Naloxone treatment for five days ineffective in schizophrenia. Neuroendocrine actions of the opiate antagonist.

    Naber, D., Münch, U., Wissmann, J., Grosse, R., Ritt, R. & Welter, D., 1983, In: ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND. 67, 4, p. 265-271 4.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  51. [Obstruction of the neck arteries and the upper airways during strangulation]

    Koops, E., Püschel, K., Wischhusen, F., Fechner, G. & Brinkmann, B., 1983, In: Beitr Gerichtl Med. 41, p. 315-321

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review

  52. [Orbicularis oculi reflex in computerized tomography verified lesions of the posterior cranial fossa]

    Hacke, W., Schaff, C. & Zeumer, H., 1983, In: FORTSCHR NEUROL PSYC. 51, 9, p. 313-324 9.

    Research output: SCORING: Contribution to journalSCORING: Journal articleResearchpeer-review