Rehabilitationsprozesse in ambulanter und stationärer Rehabilitation nach radikaler Prostatovesikulektomie

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We evaluated processes in in- and outpatient rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy. Overall, we analyzed motivation and expectations of 119 in- and 719 outpatients (aged≤64) at the beginning of rehabilitation as well as satisfaction and the amount of interventions at the end. Compared to inpatients outpatients had a higher socio-economic status and better physical condition. Both groups reported similar outcomes regarding motivation, expectation and satisfaction. Furthermore in- and outpatients got a comparable amount of interventions, but both groups differed to some extent in regard to the kind of interventions. In- and outpatients are comparable in regard to their received amount of interventions. Discrepancies concerning the kind of interventions are due to differences between in- and outpatients. The results indicate specific patients' characteristics in both settings, but more research is needed to verify these findings.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionRehabilitation Processes in Out- and Inpatient Rehabilitation after Radical Prostatectomy
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2017
PubMed 28359112