"Reerdigung" - alternative Bestattung oder beschleunigte Kompostierung?

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As of 2022, a Berlin-based company offers human composting as an alternative form of burial in Germany, named Reerdigung (literally, re-earthing). The company describes this type of burial as a new, eco-friendly alternative to burial in a coffin or urn. In an optimized decomposition process, the human body is said to be completely transformed into fertile earth after being buried in a special cradle for 40 days at 70 °C. The company, however, does not describe this transformation process in detail, nor does it provide scientifically sound proof of the process. Both of these aspects need to be transparent and are mandatory to make this (potentially) new type of burial acceptable for the relevant authorities and,
most importantly, also acceptable for the relatives.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contribution„Reerdigung“ – An alternative form of burial, or fueled composting?
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2022