Recessively inherited parkinsonism: effect of ATP13A2 mutations on the clinical and neuroimaging phenotype.

  • Norbert Brüggemann
  • Johann Hagenah
  • Kathrin Reetz
  • Alexander Schmidt
  • Meike Kasten
  • Inga Buchmann
  • Susanne Eckerle
  • Manfred Bähre
  • Alexander Münchau
  • Ana Djarmati
  • Joyce van der Vegt
  • Hartwig Siebner
  • Ferdinand Binkofski
  • Alfredo Ramirez
  • Maria I Behrens
  • Christine Klein

Related Research units


To determine clinical features and to identify changes in brain structure and function in compound heterozygous and heterozygous ATP13A2 mutation carriers.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Article number11
Publication statusPublished - 2010
pubmed 21060012