Proton-impact ionisation cross sections for nanodosimetric track structure simulations

  • M U Bug
  • E Gargioni
  • W Y Baek
  • G Hilgers
  • H Nettelbeck
  • A B Rosenfeld
  • H Rabus


Monte Carlo simulations of the particle track structure require accurate ion- and electron-impact cross-section data of the medium. These data are scarce and often inconsistent when measured by different groups. In this work, literature data on ionisation cross sections (CSs) of nitrogen and propane for protons with energies 0.1-10 MeV are reviewed and implemented in the code PTra. Methane data were used to obtain proton-impact CSs of propane due to their absence in the literature. PTra is benchmarked by comparing simulated particle-track parameters to experimental results, measured with an ion-counting nanodosemeter.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
PubMed 24324254