Popeye-domain-containing proteins modulate the voltage-gated cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5

  • Susanne Rinné
  • Aytug K. Kiper
  • Ralf Jacob
  • Beatriz Ortiz-Bonnin
  • Roland F.R. Schindler
  • Sabine Fischer
  • Marlene Komadowski
  • Emilia deMartino
  • Martin K.-H. Schäfer
  • Tamina Cornelius
  • Larissa Fabritz
  • Christian S.M. Helker
  • Thomas Brand
  • Niels Decher

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Popeye domain containing (POPDC) proteins are predominantly expressed in the heart and skeletal muscle, modulating the K2P potassium channel TREK-1 in a cAMP-dependent manner. POPDC1 and POPDC2 variants cause cardiac conduction disorders with or without muscular dystrophy. Searching for POPDC2-modulated ion channels using a functional co-expression screen in Xenopus oocytes, we found POPDC proteins to modulate the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5. POPDC proteins downregulate Nav1.5 currents in a cAMP-dependent manner by reducing the surface expression of the channel. POPDC2 and Nav1.5 are both expressed in different regions of the murine heart and consistently POPDC2 co-immunoprecipitates with Nav1.5 from native cardiac tissue. Strikingly, the knock-down of popdc2 in embryonic zebrafish caused an increased upstroke velocity and overshoot of cardiac action potentials. The POPDC modulation of Nav1.5 provides a new mechanism to regulate cardiac sodium channel densities under sympathetic stimulation, which is likely to have a functional impact on cardiac physiology and inherited arrhythmias.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17.05.2024