P2Y12 Inhibition Suppresses Proinflammatory Platelet-Monocyte Interactions

  • Christina C Rolling
  • Marcin A Sowa
  • Tricia T Wang
  • MacIntosh Cornwell
  • Khrystyna Myndzar
  • Tamar Schwartz
  • Hanane El Bannoudi
  • Jill Buyon
  • Tessa J Barrett (Shared last author)
  • Jeffrey S Berger (Shared last author)

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BACKGROUND:  Monocyte-platelet aggregates (MPAs) represent the crossroads between thrombosis and inflammation, and targeting this axis may suppress thromboinflammation. While antiplatelet therapy (APT) reduces platelet-platelet aggregation and thrombosis, its effects on MPA and platelet effector properties on monocytes are uncertain.

OBJECTIVES:  To analyze the effect of platelets on monocyte activation and APT on MPA and platelet-induced monocyte activation.

METHODS:  Agonist-stimulated whole blood was incubated in the presence of P-selectin, PSGL1, PAR1, P2Y12, GP IIb/IIIa, and COX-1 inhibitors and assessed for platelet and monocyte activity via flow cytometry. RNA-Seq of monocytes incubated with platelets was used to identify platelet-induced monocyte transcripts and was validated by RT-qPCR in monocyte-PR co-incubation ± APT.

RESULTS:  Consistent with a proinflammatory platelet effector role, MPAs were increased in patients with COVID-19. RNA-Seq revealed a thromboinflammatory monocyte transcriptome upon incubation with platelets. Monocytes aggregated to platelets expressed higher CD40 and tissue factor than monocytes without platelets (p < 0.05 for each). Inhibition with P-selectin (85% reduction) and PSGL1 (87% reduction) led to a robust decrease in MPA. P2Y12 and PAR1 inhibition lowered MPA formation (30 and 21% reduction, p < 0.05, respectively) and decreased monocyte CD40 and TF expression, while GP IIb/IIIa and COX1 inhibition had no effect. Pretreatment of platelets with P2Y12 inhibitors reduced the expression of platelet-mediated monocyte transcription of proinflammatory SOCS3 and OSM. CONCLUSIONS:  Platelets skew monocytes toward a proinflammatory phenotype. Among traditional APTs, P2Y12 inhibition attenuates platelet-induced monocyte activation.

Bibliographical data

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 02.2023

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Thieme. All rights reserved.

PubMed 36630990