Öffentlichkeitskampagne „rheuma2025“ des Bündnisses für Rheumatologie

  • HM Lorenz
  • S Froschauer
  • R Hanke
  • B Hellmich
  • A Krause
  • HJ Lakomek
  • I Kötter
  • J Strunk
  • A Voormann
  • S Zinke


The publicity campaign "rheuma2025", initiated by the Union for Rheumatology, aims at improvement of patient-centered care. For this the number of positions for trainees in rheumatology needs to increase to a level which matches the public needs. Students in medical school must have even more interest for the discipline and they must be recruited. Regulatory constraints in the approval by the authorities for opening a private rheumatology practice must become much more flexible. The possibilities for in-patient acute care of patients in specialized hospitals have to be strengthened. Finally, the public image of rheumatology per se must be sharpened. To achieve these goals a homepage for the campaign was created ( https://rheuma2025.de ), which provides a toolkit of items for the public, for physicians and students. Various media channels for rheuma2025 were established with specific contents for each target group.

Bibliographical data

Translated title of the contributionPublicity campaign rheuma2025 of the Union for Rheumatology
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 08.2022
Externally publishedYes