Narzisstische Kränkung und narzisstische Wut als Antezedens von Radikalisierung


Narcissistic grievance and narcissistic rage as antecedents of radicalization. Psychodynamic conception of a social phenomenon
The paper presents a psychodynamic process model for radicalization based on Kohut. At the beginning of the radicalization model, there are causally painful experiences of insecurity, which initially activate in the individual non-conscious narcissistic experiences of grievance. These favor a desire for fusion with omnipotent, archaic objects, which can especially be fulfilled with real, imagined or anticipated social groups. Such social identification then gives rise to conscious emotions as well as cognitions protecting the omnipotent archaic object. This feeling and thinking, in turn, affects personal behavior, which may be legitimized by the justification of a social group and may be disinhibited as a result and as such may lead to radicalization.

Bibliographical data

Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 06.2023
Externally publishedYes